Do you care about awards on Video Games?

Doesn't matter to me the slightest. Actual reception is important, sure, but a little banner on a website doesn't make me change my interest one way or another. Same goes for any reviewer saying that the game's a GOTY or anything else - it's completely irrelevant. So as bad as MetaCritic is, at least you get an overview of the overall reception of a title.
To be honest, I feel like this is probably where gaming peaked and took a sour turn. I mean things like that should have been made for a small venue. But placing hype behind titles can place a lot of pressure on franchises and when they come up short then people start to wonder what the big deal was from the beginning. It's the curse that comes with many things going main stream because then it has to maintain a certain appeal in order for it to thrive. Exposing weaknesses that may have never been noticed before so no, I don't care for this.
What a review thinks of a game doesn't mean a great deal to me and they could have game of the box and it wouldn't make me buy it if it wasn't my type of game, and I think a lot of people think the same. From a game developers point of, it's always nice to win awards and brag about them, but from a consumers point of view it shouldn't really matter.

I've played many games that when you look have only had a two and three out of five rating but I've enjoyed them so for me it's just a case of trying a game for yourself instead of relying on others opinion.
Doesn't matter to me the slightest. Actual reception is important, sure, but a little banner on a website doesn't make me change my interest one way or another. Same goes for any reviewer saying that the game's a GOTY or anything else - it's completely irrelevant. So as bad as MetaCritic is, at least you get an overview of the overall reception of a title.

I think these video game companies are doing too much with these trophies, especially these days. You can get trophies for just about anything, signing in, adding a new friend, going to an online store in a game to shop, buying one item, then 5 items, them 20 items, etc.

Lists goes on and on, and when I actually look at what each trophy is for, I get a little disappointed in the innovation. I don't care to be able to earn 200 trophies for a single game, it's annoying in a way to see them pop up through out the game as well.
I think Video Game Awards are no different from most reviews these days: completely paid for. The games you'll see hitting the top will always be the most commercial ones, the ones who have nothing but beautiful graphics and superficial content. Of course they usually have one category for indie games, but these tend to be the ones I like the most anyway.