Do you dance?


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I don't usually dance but I like to encourage my daughter to even though I know I must look silly doing it myself.
Couldn't dance to save my life.
Oh you guys, you just need to enjoy yourself on the dance floor! No one truly cares if you can or can't dance as long as you don't kill the good vibes.
I do not usually dance.

But, I played Dance Dance Revolution at a movie theater's arcade, and I played Pump it Up which is a dance game for the Playstation 2 where players also dance in all directions instead of just in a cross/t patern like DDR.
I don't know how to dance. When I was younger, I would put on some music & just move around. Definitely didn't want anybody watching me lol For those who like to dance, what are your favorites? When did you learn them?
I'm too rigid to dance. My friend's call me rock when we were still kids. But I love watching people dance.
I love dancing I teach my self by my shadow which forms on wall I create my own choreography and songs too ...others also love my dance