I occasionally save websites offline as a HTML or PDF file just in case the website goes down, or my internet goes down. I also made whole websites offline with programs like Dreamwever, Notepad, Kompozer, etc, and use a web browser to view the websites files which are stored on my computer's hard drive.
I sometimes download my e-mails for offline reading, and some e-mails are HTML website file with pictures, javascript, and links unless the e-mail is a text file with no pictures, or website links.
I sometimes save web apps to my computers to use offline, or if I want to learn how to make the web app by looking at its code ike the calculator since a lot of web apps are coded in JavaScript, CSS, and HTML which code is readable in a Text editor likeNotepad.
I sometimes download my e-mails for offline reading, and some e-mails are HTML website file with pictures, javascript, and links unless the e-mail is a text file with no pictures, or website links.
I sometimes save web apps to my computers to use offline, or if I want to learn how to make the web app by looking at its code ike the calculator since a lot of web apps are coded in JavaScript, CSS, and HTML which code is readable in a Text editor likeNotepad.