Do you feel desktop computer hardware repair help websites will become less popular?


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I feel fewer people may visit computer help websites related to fixing desktop computers and laptops in the future because more desktop and laptop computers are difficult to repair because they are becoming smaller in size and parts like RAM, CPU, and SSD storage drives are stuck on the circuit board like the motherboard. More people are also switching to All-In-One and thin laptops where the screen, and other parts are difficult to remove, and replace unless you have tools, and know how to replace the parts.

More people also seem to be more likely to throwaway desktop computers instead of repairing them, or replacing them before they break.
I think they gonna sell their old desktop or PC while some think about reparing.
In future that gonna happen prbably
They’re probably not gonna go anywhere since it’ll still be mostly dedicated to the hobbiests, or be like ifixit where it also shows how to fix all the new stuff.
Most probably.
Still, there are many people who still prefer a desktop computer over any other, I am not really sure
Go to youtube, most pcs have had a video done on them.

I occasionally use YouTube to learn how to fix computers. Sometimes there are also short videos and manuals on computer brand websites from HP, Dell, AMD, Intel, Asus, etc which teach people how to install their products onto a desktop computer.

There are also computer repair and tech websites which have many articles for computer technician students and workers to pass certifications like the Comptia A+ cert. Some computer repair certification websites can be useful for learning to replace parts like hard drives, RAM, CPU, and motherboards.