Do you feel most local electronics stores will shutdown like toy stores?


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It is a possibility that most local electronics stores will shut down like toy stores where there is almost no regular toy stores in many places.

I think there still be some electronics stores which sell more expensive electronics like expensive audio speakers and Vinyl Record players to rich people and musicians like DJs. There may still be electronics stores which sel kids' electronics to kids like kids tablets which are full of educational games, stories and software programs, and electronics with exclusive content from game and TV series like X-men, Batman, Super Mario, Barney, Sesame Street, Dragon Ball, Pokemon and Sailor moon.

But, people who want ordinary electronics will mainly buy them from large department stores like Walmart, Target, and online shopping sites like Amazon and online marketplaces like eBay and Craigslist sellers.
My town barely has any tech stores left, I think we might have a small one or two but we mainly have a bestbuy.
It seems Bestbuy is one of the last remaining large electronic stores which sell many different tech brands and products unlike the Apple Store which mostly sell Apple products and Apple accessories made for Apple products.
too bad they aren't priced better though.

Maybe brands like Apple won't let Best Buy sell Apple products for better lower prices because Apple also has an Apple store which competes with Bestbuy. If Bestbuy sells Apple devices for lower prices, fewer people will buy Apple products from the Apple Store.

Bestbuy also relies on Apple for shipping them iPads, iPhones, and Mac computers to sell, so Bestbuy does not want to make Apple unhappy.

A lot of Bestbuy's customers are older adults who maybe more likely to buy iPads, iPhone, and Macs because they look easier to use, so Bestbuy may sell a lot of Apple products.

Samsung, Microsoft, and Google also has stores, so they may not want Bestbuy to sell their products for lower prices because they want people to go to their branded stores instead of Bestbuy.