Do you feel robbers are less likely to steal electric car parts from electric cars?


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I feel not as many robbers will want to steal the large battery from a electric car because there is a chance of being electrocuted and an electrical fire if a robber don't know how to safely remove a large battery. Removing the electric motors, and other electric parts may also be dangerous for untrained robbers.

Plus, there are not many buyers who want to buy used electric car parts like used gas car parts like a gas tank, engine, transmission, and exhaust system. A used electric motor and battery for a Tesla electric car most likely does not work on a Nissan Leaf electric car without heavily modifying the car.

Finding a car repair which can install used electric car parts can be hard, and owner's electric car dealer may refuse to install used electric car parts which you bought in, and they may report you to the police if they think you bought a stolen electric car parts.
There is no demand even if the robber has the supply. So people wont likely buy it just because they do not know where it came from and it has no legal papers such as warranty etc. Because they are worried if the battery is damage, not in good condition, especially batteries has life span. So I guess that's why robbers are likely less to steal electric parts.
There is no demand even if the robber has the supply. So people wont likely buy it just because they do not know where it came from and it has no legal papers such as warranty etc. Because they are worried if the battery is damage, not in good condition, especially batteries has life span. So I guess that's why robbers are likely less to steal electric parts.

This is true, it is not possible for the average buyer to know the condition of the battery by just looking at it, and the battery may not have a good lifespan and may have other battery related problems like overheating, and leaking battery liquid.

The amount of buyers for stolen batteries is probably very small. Some electric car companies rent/lease batteries where you get a new battery when your old battery is dying, and a lot of older electric cars from a few years ago still have good battery life which still holds enough electricity in the battery to drive to work or school, and back home without needing to recharge until they go back home.
Hmmm....I suppose. Electric cars are a bit different and they are not popular as of now.
So, may be robbers wouldn't want them as of yet xD
Mentioning 'not popular as of now'. I think Electric cars are still not fully developed. It's like it's still on alpha and beta stage as of now. Because the parts price are still high, has some problem etc.
I feel there maybe a chance that someday more people will use public transportation like buses, trams, trains, subways, etc where electric cars don't become very popular like gas cars. Traffic jams where cars move very slowly, and the high cost of repair and maintenance and insurance may make many people not want a car if the cost of owning a car cost a lot more than current prices.

I guest, if fewer people drive in the future, the amount of people who buy stolen car parts won't be as large.
It depends on how much value the parts are, which might be big.
Electric car SHOCK - The surprising hidden cost of ownership
Electric car insurance cost much more way higher than other cars.

I feel electric car insurance should be the same or lower price because most electric cars are not driven for very long distance non-stop like gas cars with large gas tanks because some electric car battery can't hold as much electricity. It also takes longer to charge an electric car. Electric cars may have fewer car accidents because they are not on the roads for long amounts of time because of the need for charging their cars for many hours after driving for 80 miles or less for cheaper electric cars.

Electric cars may have fewer car accidents caused by car parts failing which causes some drivers to panic, and crash their car into something after one of the many car gas engine parts broke. Parts like the gas tank, and engine breaking by itself or in a crash can cause a lot of gas and motor oil from the car to spray gas on the road, and cause a fire if the gas and oil caught on fire.

Plus, motor oil and gas can make the road slippery and cause other cars to slip on the road and crash.

Electric cars are also quieter, so drivers should be able to focus more on driving the car, and hearing other cars coming from farther away because their car is not making a lot of noise.

Some modern electric cars also have warning systems, and self-driving features to warn people that they are driving too fast, or too close to other cars, and if they ignore the warnings, the car can automatically control the car to stop people from crashing their car. These safety features could reduce car accidents.

Most of the news stories I warched about dangerous car accidents usually involve gas cars, and electric car crashes are less common except for a few drivers who crash their expensive electric sports cars. But, crashes involving electric sports cars are less common than crashes involving gas sports cars.