Do you feel unprotected from criminals when sitting in a car with open windows, no doors, no roof or soft roof made from clothe?


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I feel there is a more likely chance of getting hurt by criminals when sitting in a car with no roof like a jeep without a roof, a soft clothe roof found in convertible cars with a clothe roof which can be cut with a knife or sword, open windows, and no doors like old army jeeps with no doors.

Some cars like classic racing cars without roof are smetimes very expensive or look more expensive than a regular family car with a roof and glass windows surrounding the top of the car. A fancy looking sports car without a roof may increase the risk of a criminal wanting to steal the car or hurt and rob you because they are jealous of your roofless sports car and think you are rich.

I seen a few news stories of people getting their car stolen and hurt because the car owner did not lock their door or did not closed their car windows, and the car robber drag them out of their car while the owner's car is parked and not moving.

I also read a few commemts on YouTube where YouTube members from Europe said that they are afraid of riding in a car with open windows because of acid attacks where a criminal throws a bucket of acid like battery acid at the victims face if victims dont give them money. Having glass windows can offer some protection from acid attacks and protection from some more basic weapons like smaller wooden and plastic sticks, and knives.

It can be safer sitting in a car, taxi, and bus with closed windows and a roof because sometimes angry people throw trash and stuff at other vehicles when they are angry and other random reasons, and the glass windows offer protection from softer things like a rubber ball and plastic bottle being thrown at a car.
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That's a very big yes..
I can't imagine that but I suppose usually all the users here are sheltered
I don’t live in a very crime ridden place, so there’s no need for me to feel paranoid as the chances of me getting attacked are slim to none. If I lived in Detroit or St Louis, I doubt it’d be a different story.
pretty sure I would avoid the rough areas of a town should I ever own a car like that.
A car without a roof and no protective glass windows can still be more risky even when driving in a safer place with less crime. There is always a chance of encountering regular looking people who have violent behavioral problems. There are violent drivers, violent car passengers in other cars, and pedestrians and bicyclist who can spit on you and your passengers, and hitting you with a long stick or longer knife with a longer handle.

A roof and windows can also protect the driver, and passengers from getting touched inappropriately by a stranger or kidnapper who walk up to the side of a car when the car is turned off or parked.

A car roof can offer more protection than a roofless car when a bunch of criminals like rioters who got mad and decide to flip over a car, or a violent driver uses a bigger heavier car like a truck to try to flip over your car by running your car off the road, or hitting a car very hard with their truck.

A roof and closed windows may make some cars like lightweight sports cars handle and accelerate faster because of improve aerodynamic design from a round shape roof, so a car with a roof can drive faster away from criminals or violent drivers who want to crash their car into a car.
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