Do you find as you get older you play more casual games to escape for a few minutes from work, chore


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Yes, I find casual games on Facebook, Yahoo Games, and Pogo can be a great escape for a few minutes when I'm stress out from running websites, job searching, doing chores, or boring stuff like filling out forms which I rather not be doing, but have to do.

The advantages of casual games are they have short load times, and don't have long levels or challenges like Computer and console games.Plus, since my computer is already on, I can just click on a bookmark, and my web browser goes to my favourite flash games sites for me to play a 15 minute game like Billy Vs. Snakeman.

I guest this is why Wii sports is so popular with adults since they can turn it on, and play a few rounds of bowling, or tennis on the Wii for a few minutes and get back to work.
Sometimes. I'm finding myself to play more Casual games, but I don't play them nearly as often as Hardcore games.
I like to play games that keep me busy for awhile, even if I need to waste a few minutes before doing something I can just go on one of my games and mess around for a little bit. Besides, flash games make me lose track of time.
Sometimes I do play silly little games. They ate relaxing and refreshing at the same time

I used to even like where is my water a lot.
I've played games on my phone when I'm taking a break at work. I've had Sodoku, or whatever it's called, on my phone to give my brain a rest for a few minutes from the hectic day, plus, it keeps me from falling asleep on my break and getting into trouble for not going back to work when my break is over.
It’s why I like games with difficulty settings, or quality of life mechanics. There are times where I have to balance real life with video games, and I just don’t have the time to spend on a super tedious game.
Not really. When I want to game, I prefer to have quite a bit of time and to play my usual games on the PS4. I don't think I could enjoy any casual games for just a few minutes.
Well, yes, I play CaveToKingdom, which does not take more than 15 minutes per day to manage. You can try it too! :grin: It might seem confusing in the beginning, but you have tutorials and all sorts of information to help you start, and then it gets very entertaining.