Do you find installing screen protectors hard to do without leaving dust and bubbles?


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It can sometimes be hard to get the touchscreen to be very clean where there is no dust on the screen, so the dust does not get trapped between the screen protector and screen. There are sometimes very small pieces of dust which gets trapped.

I think it would be easier to install a screen protector with a new smartphone/tablet, and in a clean room like a electronics factory where there is less dust in the air.
It's too much and I have never once successfully installed anything without getting bubbles. I wish I could do it.
I saw an online video that there is a screen protector installing tool to install plastic screen protectors without bubbles. I wish screen protectors came with a simple machine to install screen protectors, or I can pay a few dollars to borrow the machine.

It can be a bit tricky, but I find doing it in the bathroom after a hot shower can reduce the amount of dust in the air.
I think using an air filtering system, and turning it on for a few hours can help at reduce the amount of dust. Wearing a baseball cap can help with hair and skin particles from dropping on the screen and screen protector.

The kitchen can be a good place to install a screen protector because most kitchens don't have carpet, and fewer people always walk around in the kitchen compared to a living room, or a bedroom.