Do you have better relationships with people you meet online compared to people you know offline?


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I sometimes feel I have better relationships with some online friends which I talk to on forums, blogs, social networks, etc compared to my real life relationships with some people I met offline where we rarely keep in touch, and don't talk to each other on regularly.
I definitely have way more online friends then real life. I found it more confident and easier going. I meet a guy 6 years ago from online gaming and today we are still mates. He's a very busy guy though with his night shift
Yep, because I can communicate better online than offline sadly.
I honestly can't say that, mainly because I already had a lot of friends before I got online and had no issues with communicating with them offline, mainly because I did not have net access or social media to rely on, because back then it didn't exist.

But I just think it has become a crutch to most people who aren't willing to put forth an effort at connecting with others without the use of an internet connection.

That being said, I will say that I have encountered a lot more respectful guys online than I have offline.. since I am not one to post pics of myself, it kind of forces these people to notice other things about my personality first, rather than relying on appearance alone.

Offline, guys tend to notice my looks and curves and become lecherous toward me based on that and that remains their sole focus, but online, guys tend to notice that I am very intelligent and can speak at length on various subjects.
Hmm....well, I have some really good friends now....who wouldn't leave me alone when I am troubled.
So, I can't say that my relationship with offline folks is bad....but I like my online personality I suppose.