Do you have 'Gamer-Hands'?


And here we are!
Full GL Member
'Gamer-hands' is simply when you have above average control when you're playing games. Basically, when nobody can beat you on games like Mario Kart, Pokemon and Brawl etc, you have 'gamer-hands' You can tell if you have gamer-hands by typing fast. Your hands need to be built for gaming and you need to have the right control. So, if there are any N@_@Bs out there, look down in shame..
I do. I can do near-flawless runs thorugh levels, and yes, I can type fast.
^Rapid button pushing for when you're pissed off at a gym leader and want it to be over.

Anyway I do have gamer hands. Like in Brawl I can zone out in a game kill my friend, and zone back in 7 games later with him screaming at the game. xD Like I can roll and dodge. He can't.
Do gamer hands also mean that they are still soft and plushy? Because my hands are kind of calloused. Yea, I type fast, but I am heavily left dominate, messing me up sometimes with video games. Also, if I don't crack my knuckles, my fingers will hurt when I type/use fine motor skills for long periods of time. Nasty habit, never start cracking your knuckles.
Do gamer hands also mean that they are still soft and plushy? Because my hands are kind of calloused. Yea, I type fast, but I am heavily left dominate, messing me up sometimes with video games. Also, if I don't crack my knuckles, my fingers will hurt when I type/use fine motor skills for long periods of time. Nasty habit, never start cracking your knuckles.
You're hands can change if you have gamer-hands. Too late, I've already started cracking my knuckles!