Do you know any people who bought a Gaming PC, but don't regularly play PC Games?


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I do not personally know any people in real life who bought a Gaming PC, but don't regularly play PC games a few times a week.

I met a few people on online forums who own a Gaming PC, and play less intensive PC games like the Pinball game found in Windows XP, Solitaire, Minesweeper, and random flash games on the internet.
I do not personally know any people in real life who bought a Gaming PC, but don't regularly play PC games a few times a week.

I met a few people on online forums who own a Gaming PC, and play less intensive PC games like the Pinball game found in Windows XP, Solitaire, Minesweeper, and random flash games on the internet.

congrats, you just met one because I am such a person :p
Saw a BORG PC Cube lol
Most of the people I know/talk to are gamers to the bones, so the kind of people to stay up all night playing games, or at least 3-5 hours a day.

Though as of late I've been using mine mostly for the game I'm making, since programs like Blender and Unity, and the testing unoptimized scenes, can be quite demanding.
congrats, you just met one because I am such a person :p

You have good taste in computers. :)

I will most likely recommend Gaming PCs to people who don't regularly play games mainly because most of the computers I used some HP, Dell, and other companies don't seem to last a long time, or have problems after a few years. Some Gaming PC companies also have less bloatware, or no bloatware. Bloatware can be annoying, and use up storage space which I rather use for other programs and files.
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I still find that bloatware once removed still leave trash data behind. Its just better to wipe a PC and start over fresh.

Some bloatware may also make unwanted setting changes to Windows and programs like web browsers. The setting changes may make Windows and web browsers more annoying and less safe to use.