Do you last minute Christmas shop?


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Are you one of those who gets all their shopping done and out of the way or do you wait until days before to finish up.
I generally don't shop for Christmas gifts when it is almost Christmas unless I am suddenly invited to a Christmas party where people exchange gifts.
I do my Christmas shopping early. I normally start shopping about the time that people are sending their kids back to school and I'm usually finishing up by Halloween. So, I'm at least a step or two ahead of most people.

I'm not one of these people that wait till Mary's water broke to go Christmas shopping.
When we used to give gifts, we'd think on it the entire year. If we see something a person would like, we'd buy it & keep it around. Was also beneficial in stocking up for birthday gifts as well. Now however, we only gift "Time" with family & friends.
Nope, that would be an evil thing to endure.
Last minute gift money maybe, but never shop, because I don't feel like getting out just for things I can get later with said gift receiver around.
I get it done out of the way in September. In this way, I don't have to suffer shoppers in the holiday season. yep.
Each year I always tell myself I will not allow myself to need to head out last minute to get Christmas presents and each year, I end up out on Christmas Eve last minute searching for a gift.

One year I will get it right!
I hate rushing in anything I'm doing which is why I don't do last minute Christmas shopping. Whatever I don't get before it's time, it's not really that important. It's why I never bought it sooner.