Do you like to control your phone, tablet, or PC with your voice?


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No, I never been a fan of voice controls on smartphones, tablets, and PC because I don't really like talking. I sometimes get very thirsty when I talk too much. I think if I talk too much, I end up getting a sore throat, and tired mouth.

I don't like the sound of my own voice, so I don't talk much when I don't have to.

I still feel voice controls feel kind of weird like I am talking to myself.

I also feel using a keyboard, mouse, and touchscreen to control a device has better privacy because people can't hear what I am saying. Plus, a keyboard, mouse, and touchscreen can't listen-in on my conversations like an always-on microphone on a PC or mobile which is needed for voice controls.
I only do this with my phone sometimes, not at all with my PC. I think it's very useful to use Siri to look up locations, or directions, or really anything. Typing on a phone can get kind of tedious, and using voice commands is usually pretty smooth. (At least on IOS). I don't use it to type on my phone or anything though, I still do that manually.
I'm not really a fan of voice control on my devices, and in fact one of the first things I do is turn it off if I have that option.

Technology is obviously expanding at a rapid pace but I think sometimes so called improvements are being made just for the sake of it. Voice control is one of those technological advancements that wasn't really needed in my opinion.
Nope, I rather input commands the old fashion way.
Never liked voice control too much for phone/tablet/pc. I find I can usually do things faster by typing/tapping. I do however use TV remote voice controls. Much easier to say the name of a station, tv show, movie, actor, etc. and have it pop right up, something that otherwise would require remembering the channels or slowly typing using the remote arrow keys.
I actually have the "always on" feature turned on for my phone. It only responds to my voice, though everyone who has seen me use it with the screen off will still try. I've found that I'll use it across the room while it's charging to get a quick answer to a question. The absolute best use for this feature is actually finding the phone! I will either tell it to play music, or have it turn on the flashlight. Turning on the flashlight with your voice is also very useful if you don't have a light source near your bed at night and you need something to light up your room while you get into bed after you turn of the overhead light. Being able to control your phone while it's locked, for example, while driving is very useful for keeping your hands on the steering wheel, even if you would've taken them off for just a moment to trigger voice recognition. Overall, I've found always-on voice recognition to be worth the trouble of setting up.
Only on my phone and only sometimes. Like, if I need a quick google search, I'll just say it instead of typing it on the keyboard. Could be because I don't like phone keyboard though.
It's something useful, especially for people that have some kind of disability that makes using phones harder, but it's not for me. I don't mind using my phone's keyboard, I'm kind of a fasttyper and my phone is 5.5". To add to that I would really look stupid talking in English to my phone around non-English talking people and using Polish is limiting the features of voice controls (at least that was the case some time ago, don't know how it is today).
No, a few times I've messed around with Siri, but I'd rather just use the default form of input. Voice control has it's place I'm sure, but either it's not advanced to maturation in it's current state or it's just not a tool I'll consistently use.
To add to that I would really look stupid talking in English to my phone around non-English talking people and using Polish is limiting the features of voice controls (at least that was the case some time ago, don't know how it is today).

I agree it can look kind of stupid talking to a phone when you are around non-English speaker.

People who are not used to voice commands, or know that your using voice commands may also think people who use voice commands to control their phone, pc, and device are weird, or talking to themselves if the person is using a small headset to talk to their phone.
I agree with you completely, I hate how my voice sounds like, and just the fact of controlling every single technological device only using my voice is not exactly something that I'm looking forward to... I understand that it can be useful sometimes doing things with your voice there, such as voice recognition on iOS, it can make things more practical, but nothing more than that, when it comes to me.
Nope. I'm kind of silent guy thus I prefer to input by writing and manipulating apps with the movements of my finger.
Occassionally I use my voice to ask Google things or I'll have Cortana make notes or set reminders for me on my laptop but really, I don't like using my voice to operate devices. It just feels so weird and if someone else is in the room with me, they look at me like I'm talking to myself. Then I end up being like "I was talking to my computer, cell phone, ect".
I really like using voice control and searching stuff online with Cortana on my Windows Phone and with Google Now on my Android tablet. I find it convenient. It seems to be faster than launching the browser and typing into a search engine the text I want to search for. would be great if I could do that...but the present voice recognition system's aren't perfect and it's a pain to keep on checking the stuff after voicing them out.
So, as of now...the answer would be a no.