Do you like using websites instead of Apps for online-only apps/sites like Twitter and Facebook?


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Most of the time, I just use my PC's web browser like Firefox to go to Facebook and Twitter website instead of using the app for Android, or Windows if one exists. It is also easier to download pictures, video, and copy and paste text from the website versions of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter by using an add-on or third-party web browser downloading program.

I like that I can easily clear my browsing history, and it deletes all my temporary internet browsing files, and address bar history instead of manually clearing the app's search history, and cache which is somewhat time consuming to do if I use many apps.

Some online-only apps like Facebook can use a lot of storage space, and the internet temporary cache folder for the app sometimes uses hundreds of MBs of space. Online only apps like Facebook sometimes slow down less powerful smartphone, tablet, and older or slower PC if the app has a PC version.

I also sometimes use web browser website apps like calculators, calendar, weather, news, and flash games found on websites because I don't want to install these web apps on my devices which don't have a lot of free space.
I really don't trust apps, who knows what extra stuff is tacked onto it.
I don't use Twitter, and I only use Facebook from my computer. I don't have the app installed on my phone. I use my phone for Kik and other such chatting apps.
I really don't trust apps, who knows what extra stuff is tacked onto it.

I agree apps has a lot of extra stuff which are bundled with the app, and some features can't be disabled, and remove from the app easily.

I mostly only download mobile games since some mobile games are fun. I also download web browsers because bundled web browsers like Chrome are not very good to use on my slower devices.
I rarely go on the Facebook website to be honest. I only use the app. Same with Twitter although I do go on the Twitter website from time to time if my phone is not near me
I always use apps for Facebook and Twitter, unless I'm talking to my friend and I have to type a lot. Then I go to the website for a few minutes, then go back to my phone. It's not that the sites are bad or that mobile is better. It's just more convenient for me.