Do you look/feel younger or older than you really are?


Expert Donut Smuggler
Simple question.

Personally I think I look and feel around 3-4 years younger than I really am. Some people also mistook me for an 18 year old. I also have somewhat childish interests.

DISCUSS! :wario:
I look older than I am...I have worry lines on my forehead already, and my natural facial expression isn't typical of one my age (it's very solemn/serious). Back when I was a junior in high school several years ago, a person came up to me while I was at work and made a comment about how one of the girls I was working with was attractive and I should make a move (this guy and I were friends). I explained she was three or four years older than me, and he was blown away by it. I've also been told that my comments and discussions with people blow them away often, because they don't expect someone my age to be able to have intellectual discussions on the level I like having them.

I also feel older than I am...I had an interesting situation growing family was the best I could ever want, but a couple medical problems they had made me need to grow up quick so I could help out with more adult tasks. I also have experienced several deaths of family members I was very close to, including my mom. Because of that, I feel mentally old, particularly when hanging around other college kids, because half the stuff they think is funny/cool I find immature. Games, playing music, and books are my vices...parties, drinking, etc...I have no interest in and find those who do that kind of stuff on a regular basis fairly immature (I'm on a dry campus so they're also blatantly disregarding the rules).
I feel mentally old, particularly when hanging around other college kids, because half the stuff they think is funny/cool I find immature. Games, playing music, and books are my vices...parties, drinking, etc...I have no interest in and find those who do that kind of stuff on a regular basis fairly immature (I'm on a dry campus so they're also blatantly disregarding the rules).

Ha, same here same here.
I suppose I look older, being pretty tall and wearing glasses. I think I also act a bit older than other people my age, but that isn't saying much....
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I look younger. I'm 19, I turn 20 in exactly a month, and I look like I'm 13... when I'm shaven. When I have my facial hair, I look I'm 15 or 16.

I act younger, but at the same time I act older. It depends really. If I'm around my friends I act younger because... why not? Just because I'm getting old doesn't mean I have to grow up, but if I'm at work or in public, I'm actually very adult like.
When I shave I look 2-4 years younger than I am. Especially when I take my glasses off. I too was more mature than my fellow classmates. Not because I needed to be(Well, in a sense), but because I wanted to be. most of my classmates were very immature, enjoying nothing but partying, booze, drugs, and generally just a rowdy bunch. The opposite of me. I also had a goal. I completely devoted myself to school, and my interests. I wanted to be a paleontologist since I was four, and hung onto that dream like it was my very soul(Which it is in a sense). My father was the same way with astronomy. But he gave in to his pressures, and thus I came about. He spent the last bit of his life caring for me and my mother. He never got to be an astronomer. I was(and am still) determined not to let that happen to me. So with that goal in my mindset, I mentally matured much faster than those around me. So I usually feel older than I really am, which I am proud of! :)
I'm 15 and I probably look like I'm 12... :/

I think I act my age because I do the same things as my friends and tell the same kinds of jokes, but sometimes, I hear stories of people my age/younger than me having sex, which makes me feel a lot younger than I really am.
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I hear stories of people my age/younger than me having sex, which makes me feel a lot younger than I really am.

Good God. Kids these days I swear :waluigi:
im 16, almost 17, i look 14, and i guess i act older, but obv everyone is immature at times and jokes around at times, it's a human habit
Bluh I hate this sort of thing. It leads to a lot of "wow i'm so mature, everyone around me is so dumb" kind of mentalities. Which isn't true, if you knew me in real life or even outside of this forum (maybe you already do) you'd think i'm just one of those people. Usually this is my place to be calm and collected so nothing I say is TOO stupid or immature (I like to think at least). There is a lot of people around who simply don't care enough to keep the appearance of being calm, educated, or "mature" 24/7. They like to just do whatever they want, they aren't any dumber or any less mature generally.

I don't believe in mental maturity either, at least not I don't believe all the people who claim it's a quality they possess. A long time ago when this forum was called something else there was this "maturity" rule (it might still exist, not sure). It was basically you could be any age to join so long as you had the mentality of a 13 year old or older. I know I personally thought I was mature for my age, and thank god the things I posted aren't still here today.

Appearance wise though, i'm a freshman and i'm mistaken quite frequently for a sophomore, and then a junior when I tell them i'm not a sophomore. But hell i'm not complaining.
Well, I like far more older now.
I have been through a lot...and tough times...would make you mature no matter what.
This happens at my work at least once a month. co-workers think I'm 18, but I'm really not. there are some days where I just want to 'not adult' and be lazy all day, but I feel like I am mature for my age. As long as you maintain a healthy diet, you look & feel younger.
I look younger. I'm 19, I turn 20 in exactly a month, and I look like I'm 13... when I'm shaven. When I have my facial hair, I look I'm 15 or 16.

I act younger, but at the same time I act older. It depends really. If I'm around my friends I act younger because... why not? Just because I'm getting old doesn't mean I have to grow up, but if I'm at work or in public, I'm actually very adult like.
This comment is disgustingly old. For context I'm 25, but nothing has really changed. Except when shaven I now look 15 or 16.
My behavior is somewhat childish so I act younger than I actually am.