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  • Friend Safari. A brilliant concept. Yet, so hard to get what you want... My experience with it has been somewhat bitter sweet.
    How has it been bitter sweet? Just wondering.
    Cobra King
    Getting lots of Pokemon that while can not be found in Kalos, are not what I need for my breeding projects. That's what I mean. Plus I have got a lot of duplicate safaris.
    To whom it concerns, my 3DS will be offline for awhile. Around 3 weeks to a month. I am visiting relatives and they have no wireless... So will play with you when I get home. :)
    Just recieved my Animal Crossing New Leaf copy in the mail! :D Will be spending the next few days setting up my Town. Will update my status when I am ready to recieve visitors! :D
    Okay My copy of ACNL will be here by next tuesday! its about time. A month after it comes out I FINALLY get to found my village! Time to start thinking of names for my village... So many options...
    How I wish the postal delivery system were faster. I want to get my hands on New Leaf so badly! >_<
    Disturbed Mouse
    I got up at 7, thinking the post would have been by then, it still hasn't come -.- HURRY UP.
    Animal Crossing New Leaf in 8 days and counting! :D
    I never played any of the animal crossings, but i hear so much about it whats the big hype?
    The big hype? .... Create cool town, visit other peoples' town.
    Cobra King
    Jorlon, To really understand, you have to have played it. Its kinda hard to explain. But what The14Pugs said is essentially the skeleton of it. :)
    LMDM was quite a thrill! Finished the game, now just trying to unlock the bonus stages. Unlocked all but the treacherous Mansion bonus level. Jus t have to find those darn Boos...
    A tip; listen carefully even if you already passed by a certain area. You can hear them when you pass by them and sometimes you have to activate a certain event before they will appear in a room.
    Cobra King
    Thanks for the tip!:) I only have 2 left to find, but they are well hidden.
    Only one gave me a problem, because I didn't realize the trigger was you needed to have your little NPC friend with you for it to appear. :/ (I don't want to say the NPC's name, in case of spoilers - but the assistants to E. Gadd)
    AC3DS... I think I am going through AC withdrawls! 0_o
    Haha, oh boy I was so hooked on those games for the Wii and DS.
    Cobra King
    I played my cityfolk everyday, up till I had to leave town for my summer job.(couldn't take my wii with me I haven't played AC in 2 monthes. Like I said, Withdrawls. If Nintendo would just say when NA is getting AC3DS, I would feel a bi better. the wait is long, but AC:CF should keep me busy for a while since my town will be in shambles when i get back. bed head hair, weeds and cockroaches, oh my :p
    I wonder how long it would take to develope an immunity to cobra venom...
    One would have to live with the cobras. Sleep with the cobras. Eat with the cobras. And soon enough... become a cobra.
    Cobra King
    I wouldn't know, I live with a python, not a cobra :p
    don't make me draw out the mongoose killing cobra videos!
    I've been playing fossil fighters champions for 3 weeks now and have logged over 80 hrs on it. I have had the original fossil fighters for 2 years and have only logged 40 hrs on it... weird, and kinda sad :p
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