Recent content by Cobra King

  1. C

    Getting lots of Pokemon that while can not be found in Kalos, are not what I need for my...

    Getting lots of Pokemon that while can not be found in Kalos, are not what I need for my breeding projects. That's what I mean. Plus I have got a lot of duplicate safaris.
  2. C

    Friend Safari. A brilliant concept. Yet, so hard to get what you want... My experience with it...

    Friend Safari. A brilliant concept. Yet, so hard to get what you want... My experience with it has been somewhat bitter sweet.
  3. C

    I have returned!

    That's all right. It has been so long since I was on here. It's great 2 be back! :) I hope things pick up soon tho. By the way, love the new format. Very Nintrendy!
  4. C

    The Official Friend Safari Topic - Post your FC, what your FS is, and what FS you are looking for!

    I would also like a dark type safari with Sandile, if anyone has that.
  5. C

    Toy Story 4 is coming soon?

    I think that it ended pretty well with the third film. But as long as the plot is good and the cast hasn't changed much, then there are no objections here.
  6. C

    The Official Friend Safari Topic - Post your FC, what your FS is, and what FS you are looking for!

    Hi. I am looking for someone who's friend safari has Ditto in it. I also do not know what mine is and am more than a little curious! Can someone help me out here? :)
  7. C

    I have returned!

    I have decided to grace you all with my presence once again! Was I missed? :p lol
  8. C

    Anyone still playing Mario & Luigi Dream Team?

    I am still playing it. About half way through I think.
  9. C

    can i get some advice

    My tips 1.) Make many friends in many areas 2.) Be polite to fellow students as well as instructors 3.) Never give in to peer pressure 4.) Focus on your education 5.) Be yourself Follow these rules and you should get through high school without any major struggles. Good luck!
  10. C

    I am home now! Vacation is over, and I can now play and send swapnotes again! :)

    I am home now! Vacation is over, and I can now play and send swapnotes again! :)
  11. C

    Do you buy your games in physical or download format?

    I buy my games in physical form. Except for VC games from the e-shop.
  12. C

    Is love a waste of time? Opinion based

    Having a few scars on my heart from failed relationships (and attempted relationships), I know what you are feeling. But is love worth the pain? I say yes, it is. Having a girlfriend really made me feel as though I am not alone in this world. I always used to feel as though I am the only one of...
  13. C

    Meanest Moron: Wario Vs. King K. Rool!

    From all the games that I've played, Wario does not seem very bright, so I say he is the more moronic one. Not familiar enough with K.Rool to give a justifiable opinion. Only remember him from Donkey Kong Country.
  14. C

    Does the site need a change in style?

    I think thst the forum could use a new paint job. As for colour schemes I agree with Brunn. Earth tones being more neutral colours, are more aesthetically pleasing than black red and white. Or change the red to a lighter shade of blue. That I could also see as being do-able. :) just my opinion.