Do you name your gadgets?


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No, I don't name my devices, but if I connect them to a home network. I name them, so they are easier to find. I use my 1st name to name my computers.
So all your computers are named John? I will name them Stosh-Laptop or Stosh-PC so I do the same >.
Negative, unless there's multiple electronics connected to my computer that belong to other people, or theres more than one user on my PC.
I think Windows and someother OS make your first username you make on the computer the name for the computer. If I live in a place with a high crime rate, I just put a sticker on the outside or inside of my electronics, so if someone say the thing is theirs I just show them my sticker on the device.
I name everything pretty much so yeah I do name my electronics.

i-Phone 3G is Chester (the molester)

Really crappy keyboard phone is Avalon or a bunch of curse words.

Laptop is Kenneth.

i-Pod is Chinmoku.

When I name things I'm more careful with them so they have a less likely chance to break... I break things often...