Do you often need a break from anime?


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I do.

Otherwise I wouldn't be able to do much. Sometimes I have to force shut down my laptop so that I can take care of other stuff.

Is it the same for you guys? Do you needa break or some outside interference?
Yea sometimes. But most of the time I change the genre of anime I watch for example I got bored of school romance animes then I jump into some war anime.
Very often. I just finished Konosuba season 1 and I need a long break from anime after that. I realized that the fan service is too much and one of the main things in anime I don't like and pretty much every anime has it. I still need to finish My Hero Academia season 3, but I'm not sure when I'll get around to it.
Very often. I just finished Konosuba season 1 and I need a long break from anime after that. I realized that the fan service is too much and one of the main things in anime I don't like and pretty much every anime has it. I still need to finish My Hero Academia season 3, but I'm not sure when I'll get around to it.
I don't like fan service at all in anime and unfortunately according to animators, every anime needs it for the sake of ratings and such. I wonder why a plot isn't sufficient to make the difference and I believe people who are not confident in their when would turn to fan service but.... That makes everyone the same. Ugh.
I don't like fan service at all in anime and unfortunately according to animators, every anime needs it for the sake of ratings and such. I wonder why a plot isn't sufficient to make the difference and I believe people who are not confident in their when would turn to fan service but.... That makes everyone the same. Ugh.
That's one thing I really like about western cartoons. Steven Universe just ended and I love it. The plot is great and since it's a Cartoon Network show for kids, there's nothing like fan service. It drives off of its plot and also it gets really deep into things like depression and other huge topics. I haven't watched Avatar the Last Airbender since it went off the air, but I don't think it had any either.

I was actually talking to my friend and she said that's the whole reason she doesn't like anime anymore. Women in anime get treated so much differently than men and a lot of it comes down to them only being sexualized and I started seeing that more after she pointed it out. I was never big into fan service before that either, but after having that talk, it makes it more distracting. However, I keep coming back to anime because I love a lot of the plots and I get really invested in the characters, but every time there's a fan service moment/episode I just think, "Well this is unnecessary." Especially in Konosuba. Episode 9 was one of the hardest anime episodes I've ever watched. I really like the main character, but the whole time I was like, "I hate this."
Not really, at least not yet. I just watch it when I eat so its not like I'm taking extra time out to watch anime.
Nope, because I mostly watch after I'm done doing chores or running errands. I think of it as a 'reward' type of thing to do after doing something productive.