Do you prefer playing some types of car games on mobile instead of PC and consoles?


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I like playing drag racing games, and endless driving games on a mobile rather than playing drag racing and endless driving games on a PC or game console. Drag races are short, and simple where you just hit the gas, and shift gear up button. Endless driving games are fun when I want to kill time by driving in a straight line, and avoiding other cars, or an open world driving game like Gangster Vegas.

But, I don't play drag racing and endless driving games on a PC and consoles where I am more likely to play shooting games, rpg, action, strategy, and adventure games with more advance gameplay, better stories, and characters.
Depends, is there any car games where you can move the car to the movement of your phone?
Depends, is there any car games where you can move the car to the movement of your phone?

Yes, there are car games like Asphalt 8, Need for Speed series, Beach Buggy, Real Racing 3, and many others where you can move the phone to the movement of car.