Do you prefer putting all your funds in the bank?

All of my money is saved in the bank. I have cash on me most of the time and also with my debit card which gives me access to the money in my bank account at all times.
Most of ours is in the bank but with some banks closing & people fearing the loss of their hard-earned money, we have rethought putting ALL in there. We don't use credit cards & only use debit when we need to. Otherwise we pay cash so we have cash on hand. Especially useful for emergencies.
Not a bad plan at all.

My hubby has his own savings account and he has a little bit of his paycheck go into that savings account. That is his spending money or what he calls his "flash cash".

I've been thinking about doing the same thing....opening up my own savings account to put my "flash cash" in. But I'll have to pick a bank to put it in.