Do you think it is okay to watch Massage Videos in school, work, or public places?


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I think as long as the people in the massage videos are wearing clothes, not making intense sounds in the video, and the massage is not sexual, it could be okay to watch massage videos during breaks like lunch.

Sample massage videos:
My first question is, why would you even be watching them? To relax?
My first question is, why would you even be watching them? To relax?

I think most people watch massage videos to imagine they are having a relaxing massage, or want to see what a massage is like before paying for one at a Spa, or Salon.

I think massages are pretty expensive, so people would want to see they are like before paying for a massage which they are not sure they will enjoy or not.

Some people just want to learn new massage tips from videos to massage their boyfriend, girlfriend, or themselves to relax, or treat pain like a sore neck or leg.
I don't see the need to watch them, but I don't see what's so wrong about watching them either. It's not like you're literally watching porn or something.
I don't see the need to watch them, but I don't see what's so wrong about watching them either. It's not like you're literally watching porn or something.

There are some massage videos which have sexual themes because the person giving the massage start massaging people's chest, butt, and other private area, and the person who is receiving or giving the massage is nude or wearing very little clothing. The background music and the sounds from the people in the video can be sensual.

I think it is not wrong to watch these videos, but videos which have sexual themes may make some religious and conservative people uncomfortable if you are watching these videos next to them because of their belief that it is sinful for people to watch videos with sexual themes, or can lead to sexual situations.
Just so we're clear of an opinion I think you are going to have to find us a video with a girls butt and privates being massaged. Oh, and also make sure they are not cheap on the olive oil.:p

Nah, I don't see any problem with showing massages in school. I don't really see it as educational though. Even if the person doesn't have a shirt on as long as the goodies are covered it should be fine. The act of massaging is mainly used for releasing toxins and what not. If it feels sexual with music and what not then that would be the schools fault for looking on porntube for videos like that.