Do you think kids are into more outdoor activities or playing video games?


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During our time as kids, it's more of outdoor activities for me because I would literally play all day and be dragged to come and even eat food. I did played video games but not more than I engaged in out door activities like chasing, kite flying, hide & seek, and so much more.

Which one did you do more as a kid?
Fortnite's popularity suggests they play more games than anything.
Today, it's more of playing video games than being involved in any other activities. I haven't seen any kids lately asking for funko pop or plushies.
Research suggests that many children of today spend more of their time playing video games and they also engage in screen-based activities than outdoor play.
I am very sure of so many kids are drawn to the convenience of the screens like my kids too. This is where the parents and caregivers need to come in. They need to encourage a balance between outdoor play and screen time.
Research suggests that many children of today spend more of their time playing video games and they also engage in screen-based activities than outdoor play.
I'm very sure that more than 80% of them are always on their smartphone or laptop. It's what leads this generation.
Research suggests that many children of today spend more of their time playing video games and they also engage in screen-based activities than outdoor play.

This is correct. I don't see many kids outside anymore trying to play with other kids, unlike what we used to experience when we were growing up as kids.
I feel more kids are playing video games these days because it is more convenient and sometimes safer than going to outdoor places like the local park which may have criminals, and bullies who may hurt kids.

There are also news stories of people getting killed or seriously hurt by criminals at places like parks, stores, and the bus, so some kids may not want to go out as often because of violent news stories.
When I was a kid, my parents have sent me outside to go play sometimes.

I think too many kids these days spend too much time playing video games. I'm not saying video games are bad, I'm just saying that some kids are spending too much time playing video games and not enough time doing other things.
I'm very appreciative that I grew up at a time when outside play was all we had. There were no cellphones, tablets, laptops or games consoles. Well, there was games consoles, but they weren't as prevalent as they are now. The Sega Megadrive came out when I was about 12 or 13.

These days kids are too reliant on screens. It kills imagination and creativity. We're going to become a society of consumers not creators.
Kids nowadays are glued to video games. My neighbors kid throws temper tantrums when he can't play his PS5.
Its difficult. I completely understand why parents allow their kids to play videogames. It's a really easy way to keep tiny bundles of rage-energy occupied for an hour or two. But it has to be restricted. Getting outside is super important for mental health.