Do you think many car mechanic and dealers offer a service convert broken gas cars to electric cars?


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I think it is possible that many car mechanics and dealers provide a paid service to convert broken gas cars to electric cars by replacing the broken gas engine with a electric motor, and installing a electric car battery, charging port, and other electric parts needed for an electric car.

Car dealers may not want to sell used gas cars which gas engine have a reputation of breaking down a lot, so the car dealer may convert used cars to an electric car.
They won't offer anything in service but they will give a trade in deal of sorts.
This service would be incredibly expensive. I mean we're not talking a simple oil change here... We're talking basically gutting the entire vehicle. Removing the engine alone is something that takes a fair bit of time and costs a lot. Anything transmission related usually starts at $2,000 and only goes up.

In truth it'd be better to just junk the car and start from scratch.
AM is investing for the future and want to sure that they are prepared when that time come, I never thought of that tho, banning gas cars.

I agree, Aston Martin is investing in the future where humans need to try harder to prevent the earth from getting too hot from burning gas, coal, and other chemicals and materials which are toxic to the earth, humans, animals, fish, plants, etc.

Aston Martin don't want their new cars banned in countries and cities which ban gas cars. China, South Korea, Germany, etc will ban gas cars in the future according to List of countries banning fossil fuel vehicles - Wikipedia .

A lot of people are concerned for their body's health being not as good from breathing in toxic gas, so the government is most likely banning gas in the future to protect people's health, and make the earth have fewer toxic gas in the air.
your run of the mill, bleed your wallet dry dealerships, will never offer it.

I agree, most car dealers won't offer services which may make them earn less money, and they want you buy a new car, and buy your old car for a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars.

I read a blog post that car dealerships want people to take out huge loans where you need to make expensive car payments for many years, and also pay interest, so you end up paying a lot more money than paying in cash.

Plus, car companies make a lot of money from add-ons like nicer tires and wheels, more powerful engines, alarm system, safety features like auto-braking and auto-lane assist, and car body accessories like spoiler wing where they can cost many hundreds to thousands of dollars once you buy all the extra stuff for your car.
Well, I am not so sure as it's not particularly popular here.

Electric car sounds fascinating but it's not that popular so ....many people might not want to go down that road.
Maybe some of the simpler to remove parts from a gas car like the headlights, hood, windshield, glass windows, stereo, body panels, tires, brakes, seats, etc can be re-used to help build a cheaper electric car by using some used and refurbished parts to help save money by using used parts which may still work well for many more years of use.