Do you think many people will ride on an electric vehicle?


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Yes, I think many people probably will ride on some sort of an electric vehicle because there are a lot of different types of Electric vehicles like electric cars, roller coasters, electric powered amusement park rides, electric trains/subways, electric trains, electric buses, electric wheelchairs, electric bikes, electric air plane and helicopter, electric skateboards, hooverboards, and Power wheels kid size cars.
I think that electric vehicles will be popular but only in the developed countries.
Many years a go, I drove a electric bumper cars at an amusement park. I think bumper cars, roller coasters, and those merry-go-round rides are my first experience riding on an electric vehicle aside from riding on those kids rides at the mall where you put in a dollar or less, and the ride like a horse or car rocks back and forth.

I think electric go-karts and electric bikes maybe popular with more people in the future because they don't require gas and oil lubricants, or expensive and difficult maintenance like replacing an oil filter, and muffler like gas go-karts and motorcycles. Electric go-karts and bikes also make less noise, and don't give off gas smokes, so you can use them indoors like inside a warehouse without worrying about noise and gas smoke.