Do you think Microsoft ever sell Google Android tablets at the Microsoft Retail stores and website?


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If Microsoft loses a lot of Windows 10 tablet users to Android and iPad tablets like how Windows Phone is now very unpopular because of better choices like iPhone and Android with more apps and games, I think there will be a chance that Microsoft will start selling Android tablets which are pre-loaded with Microsoft apps.

Microsoft is now selling Google Android Samsung Galaxy S8/S8+ phones according to Microsoft is selling Samsung's Android phones - Liliputing . If selling Android phones becomes best sellers at the Microsoft Store, Microsoft may sell tablets which more people want to buy, and can afford to buy since Android tablets can sell for lower prices like $30 because Android can run on a slower cheaper CPU, and use less RAM, and Android can be installed on devices with 8GB or less storage space.

But, If Microsoft ever sell Android tablets, the Android tablets will most likely contain a lot of pre-installed Microsoft Apps like MS Office for Android, Xbox Android App, Outlook, and Skype installed on the storage chips sort of like how the Amzon Kindle Fire has a lot of Amazon Apps, and no Google Play Apps like YouTube, Gmail, Google Play even though its operating system based on Android.

Samsung once bundled some Android tablets with Microsoft Apps like MS Office according to Samsung is bundling Microsoft's Office apps on some Android tablets , so Microsoft can buy these Samsung tablets from Samsung, and sell them at their MS Retail store.
They should sell to as many retail stores as possible, there is still a large enough customer base that comes in shopping to always get new buyers.
They should sell to as many retail stores as possible, there is still a large enough customer base that comes in shopping to always get new buyers.

I agree Microsoft should sell Android tablets to as many retail store as possible. There are still a lot of people who go to stores because they dont have a credit card to pay for stuff online, and a retail store is close to their home, work, school, bank, and other buildings they go to.

Microsoft may get a lot of Microsoft Office and Skype for Android if they sell affordable Android tablets which come bundled with MS Apps.

Windows 10 tablets aren't for everyone espiecally people who already own a lot of Android Apps, Games, and content which they can't easily use in Windows without using an Android emulator software, and buying an expensive Windows tablet which is fast enough to emulate Android.