Do you think stand a lone flash drives will not be as popular in a few years?


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Flash drives can be less popular in a few years for a certain demographic of people (people who already have Ipods and other devices with lots GBs of storage space) since most Smart cell phones (iphone) or cell phones with MP3 playback, mp3 players, digital cameras, portable game consoles, and other tiny elecrctronics have built in memory for storing files or a reader that can accepts SD or Micro SD memory cards.

Another advantage of using a Smartphone for storing files is charging your cellphone via USB as you access your files.

I rarely use flash drives since I find it more convenient just uploading files to Google Docs, E-mail, Dropbox, Tinypic and many other free online storage accounts and sending links to multiple friends and family e-mails.

I never went to a friends house to transfer files via flash drive since he can just visit my Facebook, Youtube account, or any other social site to view my stuff at anytime. I usually just Print it out, e-mail or upload assignments to the teacher when I was in College.

Sadly, I have 4 flash drives in my drawer which I never use anymore since I spend most of my time at home. Plus, my PC is right next to my external hard drive, and uploading stuff online and to other computers I own seems a lot more convenient then walking up 3 floors to get my drives.

I think as the internet becomes more available to more people and places. Most people just upload their stuff to one or two websites, so they can access their files anywhere.

When more people work at home or take online courses in college, there will be less demand for flash drives since External hard drives, file servers, and free online storage is cheaper in the long run compared to Flash drives at bestbuy where you pay 30 dollars for a 4GB flash drive when I can get a 500 GB external drive for 49.99 or less on Ebay.
I don't see this being phased out for a long time and there is someone out there who will have a use for it.
I think USB drive take a long time for it to be pased out for example : Floppy drive and VHS tapes are still used by a small to medium demographic of people.

The one disadvantage of using a Flash drive is you need a computer to view it, but if you have a PSP, Laptop, and other small portable device with built-in memory/storage you can view it anywhere as long as you do not run out of battery power.

Devices like the Flip video recorder even have a built in USB plug.
