Do you think Vinyl Music Records, and Record Music players will still be around in many years?


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Yes, I feel vinyl music records will still be popular in many years because Electronic Dance Music/EDM, Djing is still a very popular type of music performance which sometimes use vinyl records and turntables/record players. There are many people who go to clubs, raves, music festivals, discos, and other places. I think Electronic Dance Music maybe one of the few types of music which is not losing popularity as quickly because there are fewer or no lyrics which sound bad and dumb like some pop, and rock songs.

It is also not very hard to make records if you have a record factory, or know how to mold plastic vinyl records since it is mainly a piece of vinyl plastic which is pressed into a plastic mold which contains the music. It is possible to 3D print vinyl records with a 3D printer, so you can copy music for free if you have the 3D printer files to print the records onto plastic.

There are also many good old songs which may of been just released on vinyl records, and not recorded to CD disc and MP3 music formats.
Vinyl is also making a come back in new music as well. You can buy a vinyl version of a lot of new CD's by new artists so it's one of those things that were kind of dying, but are coming back.
It's pretty much made a come back, which isn't a bad thing since its very durable in quality.
It's pretty much made a come back, which isn't a bad thing since its very durable in quality.

NASA sent The Voyager Golden Records which are phonograph records that were included aboard both Voyager spacecraft launched in 1977 into space, so I think records are one of the few recording media formats which can survive the cold temperature and cosmic rays of space, and other planets if aliens exist, and found the records on the Voyager Spacecraft.

Older style Record Players and Vinyl records maybe one of the few audio players and storage formats which can both survive a foreign electronic wave attack by a country like Russia which can use a powerful ray gun which use magnets and electronic waves or rays to wirelessly fry microchips in things like modern TVs, computers, DVD players, smartphones, memory cards, tablets, and other stuff.

You can even play records without electricity, so if the power went out, or is gone because of a cyberattack or regular attack like a riot on the electrical power system, you can still listen to music, or listen to instructions on what to do to restore power, or how to live without electricity, and modern conveniences like the internet, and TV.

Why did they send them out to space?

I think NASA wanted to contact aliens, and share audio recordings and music with aliens. Vinyl records maybe the only tech where aliens can play the record since aliens can use a hand cranked record player, or make their own record player which does not require electricity, or is powered by gas.