Do you think Wal-Mart release a gaming tablet?


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It is possible that Wal-Mart will sell a gaming tablet with physical controls like the Switch, Razer edge pro, or Wikipad.

If playing more hardcore games like Doom, Fortnite and GTA V on a tablet becomes very popular and profitable, Wal-Mart may release a gaming tablet to earn money from gamers.
I'm sure I won't purchase one if they did make it. I have a tablet and I use it for reading, not for gaming.
If its not for 'gaming' there be a high probability.

I think Wal-Mart may release a tablet in the future instead of only selling other companies tablets like the Apple iPad. A Tablet is useful for occasionally sending ads, and notification ads to customers about sales and promotions which Wal-Mart is having, and to sell digital music files, movies and games to tablet users.

Wal-Mart may sell the gaming tablet controller separately like the Nvidia Shield tablet, so more people can afford their tablet by selling it for a lower price because the controller is not bundled with the tablet which will raise the price.
It have to be cheaper than cheaper in both quality and price, even then it still would be viewed as trash.
It have to be cheaper than cheaper in both quality and price, even then it still would be viewed as trash.

Wal-Mart does seem to have a reputation of selling cheap price items, and cheap quality items.

I feel if Wal-Mart use a different name for a gaming tablet instead of calling it Wal-Mart gaming tablet, they maybe able to sell it for a higher price because it uses faster parts like RAM, CPU, and videochip.

Wal-Mart now has the OP/Over Powered gaming PC brand which seems to sell PCs which look faster and higher quality than some Dell, eMachine and Acer PCs.