Do you throw controllers?

No. I work hard to pay for my stuff, so why would I throw it just because I am pissed at the game? That is juvenile behavior. It is just a game, so why get pissed when you can simply learn to play better?

when anger spikes, anything can happen.
If you get so angry that you have to throw an inanimate object over the fact that you fucked up in the game, then you've got serious issues.. just put the controller down, turn the game off and walk away and do something else..

It's just a game.. it's not like you're being evicted or something..

This is true, but if you go at something for a long time and your very close. Anger will take over weather you like it not.
I do that all the time to my PS3 controller! Poor thing.. now the right trigger is no longer as springy as before and I guess that's the way it gets back at me. Now, I always accidentally release grenades when I'm playing multiplayer deathmatches online which is what causes me to throw the controller. I just cannot control myself sometimes when I get killed doing the stupidest things such as getting killed by a person I'm trying to sneak up upon for a knife kill and end up getting knifed by him instead when I could have just shot him dead. These just gets on my nerves and I need to release it!
No. One lesson that I learned a long time ago was that when you throw glasses, controllers or anything that you can break in anger, you won't be that much more pleasant when you have to clean it up later, so I never do it.
I can control my anger so no I never throw my controllers. But i do swear a lot to let off steam, but that's as far as it goes. God knows what my neighbours think if they can hear me. :blink:
Yeah, I always have my window open, andI live in an apartment complex, and I constantly yell swears, so I get worried that someone's going to hear me yell c**t. lol