Do you usually close all your apps like Web browser before playing Mobile games?


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Yes, I usually close apps like web browsers to free up RAM, and CPU resources before playing mobile games.
I never really bother with closing other apps before playing a mobile game. But then I don't play those massive games like racing ones, the biggest one I have is Clash of Clans which doesn't need much RAM
if I knew how to close them I would.
I don't usually like keeping any apps open when I am not using them. I generally close every app after I stop using it.

Same for me, I usually close apps which I no longer need since having unused apps open may shorten my battery life, and make my other apps run slower.

I also don't like having so many apps in my recent apps section in Android because it makes finding other apps running in the background harder if I have many apps open in the recent apps section.
I don't keep anything open. The only app that is open is the one I am using and then I immediately close it when I am done.