Do you usually decorate your room for Halloween?

Sounds like a lot of work for very little reward as no one is going to see it so that's why I don't.
Never decorated my room but the front yard is decorated this year for the first time.
Decoration is a very big job for me. My girlfriend used to do it for me when were together.
Not always but when I do it, I give it my best. I didn't decorate last year's but I'm planning on doing it this year in a big way.
I don't decorate at all for Halloween. If we had kids, we most likely would do more because it'd be for them.
I don't decorate at all for Halloween. If we had kids, we most likely would do more because it'd be for them.
Yes, kids loves halloween so much because of the trick or treat. I do it for kids in my neighbourhood as they always come over.