Do you want to install a separate PCI Sound Card on your desktop PC?


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When I build a Gaming PC, or a Home Theater PC for mainly watching videos like movies, and music, I would want to buy a higher quality sound card which has better sound processing capabilities, and specs.
I notice sometimes the basic onboard sound ports don't have the right audio ports like Optical S/PDIF, and ports for surround sound PC speakers, and connecting to a home theater speaker system, but they are good enough for stereo PC speakers with only 2 speakers.
I notice sometimes the basic onboard sound ports don't have the right audio ports like Optical S/PDIF, and ports for surround sound PC speakers, and connecting to a home theater speaker system, but they are good enough for stereo PC speakers with only 2 speakers.

I would love a theater speaker or surround sound but I live in an apartment with thin walls so... yeah.