Do you watch movies on a weekday?


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I usually avoid that
But sometimes I can't really help it and before I know, I will be suffering from the lack of sleep. Is it the same for you guys as well?
Well i don't need to suffer from lack of sleep so will watch them when i can ;3
Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.

If I know I'm not going to work the next day (sometimes my days off are during the week and not on the weekend), then it doesn't matter what time I go to bed. So it's okay if I stay up to watch a movie. Also, I'll watch a bunch of movies when I'm on vacation (or catch up on some tv shows that I've missed).
I used to watch movies in school when the teacher decided to show an educational movie like documentary, or the teacher show a movie during a party.
Very rarely nowadays except for Friday (but I don't really count that as a proper weekday lol). The last movie that I watched on a weekday was Venom but that wasn't a very long film so it wasn't too bad.
I'm still not sure if the cinemas have opened over here in the UK. It's going to be very weird to watch a movie where you have to wear a mask and socially distance from everyone else.
Almost every night, weekends the same, I watch things in bed at late night till 2am or later then 3am. On amazon.
After work, yes I do watch movies. And when I can't finish the movie, I end up saving my spot where I'm at, and continue watching the next day. haha