Do you watch online videos to relax at school, work, or away from home?


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I sometimes watch online videos to relax when I am not at home. But, it can be difficult to relax while watching online videos at places with a lot of people because they might complain that I am using too much bandwidth, and slowing down the whole network of computers, and sometimes people stare at other people's monitors which can feel kind of awkward.
Watching videos at school or work is usually a big no no and anywhere else you got too many people around really.
Watching videos at school or work is usually a big no no and anywhere else you got too many people around really.

I agree watching video on a school and work network is not a good idea. I imagine if many people try to stream 4K video on a network, the whole internet connection would be unusable.
I did at university for adult environment for my information technology classes which are online based. I spent good amount of time watching videos that are mainly for learning. The network is damn good anyway. All five or more students can watch youtube without any slowness or bandwidth. It was a small amount of as anyway. I love it since I had my own little office, I can shut the door
I do watch videos to relax but I prefer to watch the downloaded videos when compared to online videos.

Well, the network speed here is not reliable...