Does a Gaming Keyboard and Gaming mouse makes you play games better?


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Yes, I think gaming keyboards and mouse make you game faster since they seem more comfortable then regular keyboards and mice. Some gaming mouse also have programmable buttons, so you don't need to use your keyboard to press buttons since there are macro buttons on the mouse.
I completely agree with you mate! Gaming keyboards and mouse really help to immerse into the gaming experience :)
They provide an exceptional experience, ease of use and a good control over the characters in different game!
As a PC gamer, I entirely agree on the opinion of keyboard and mouse are superior compare to controllers for gaming. Especially in the case of First Person Shooter. I know some people can do well on gamepad and other controllers, but those are harder to master for average players. I have a joystick to help me flying jets in certain games though.
Yes!, I've had my gaming keyboard and mouse for just over a year now, and despite the many problems my mouse has, being able to reprogram my keyboard makes gaming MUCH more immersible and really keeps the flow going. Saying that I have had many problems with my gaming mouse(Scrolling down is buggy, as sometimes it jumps up) and am thinking of just using my old normal mouse instead, as this one is making me stupidly frustrated when I use it.
Yes. I really feel like it does. I like regular game controllers,
but theres many little tricks that you can do with a keyboard rather than a gc.
Keyboards and mouse are also good for playing Real Time Strategy games like StarCraft Warcraft 3, Age of Empire, and Sim-like games like The Sims, SimCity, Roller Coster Tycoon, Zoo Tycoon, etc.

I think using a controller to play RTS, Sims, and casual games like Solitaire, Minesweeper, Tetris, Pac-man, pong, Chess, and Checkers kind of hard because of the lack of buttons, and accuracy with a controllers mini joysticks or gamepad.
Yes, I think that a gaming keyboard and mouse makes me play better. I have a X7 gaming mouse and keyboard from A4Tech and I can`t play without them.
I think in FPS games, having a good keyboard and mouse is very necessary, not that it would enhance or make your skills in gaming better but a bad mouse and keyboard would definitely ruin the game for you