Does anyone get frequent use out of Street Pass?

Captain Murphy

Well-Known Member
The idea of Street Pass seems really cool, but it is a barren desert for me out there. I haven't received anything with it so I honestly don't even know how it works. This weekend I was at the Denver airport for a few days (flight delays because of current events) and spent hours and hours around many other delayed travelers. I assumed that I HAD to get some Street Pass action in one of the busiest airports in the world, yet nothing. Tried the same thing in one of the Dallas / Fort Worth airports but still nothing.

So where are the best places for this? Should I go and sit at a Starbucks all day? Or just accept that I will only be able to use Street Pass in a predetermined scenario with my friends...

Is it even a worthwhile thing to chase after? Should I care or move on and ignore it?
Well there are Streetpass events in the UK as well as Monster Hunter meets which are good for Streetpass when people aint battling with monsters.

I guess as well gaming conventions like E3 and Eurogamer are the best bets to get streetpass in general.
I have gotten StreetPass hits maybe 10 to 20 times since I bought the system. Or in other words, I barely get any use out of it here in the UK.

Then again, this area is basically a wasteland as far as Nintendo fandom goes. Heck, you could go into a shop with the newest Mario, Zelda or possibly Pokemon game on sale and still find about ten copies available to buy due to how few Nintendo fans live round here. So yeah, I'll never really get much done StreetPass wise.
I got two streetpasses two weeks ago from going to a mall with five stores and a movie theater. I'm still amazed I got that many. It makes like 7 that I've gotten. 4 are real. The other 3 are from E3 events.
Eh, not really. I've gotten like 18-20 streetpass tags since getting my system two years ago and I barely use tags for Find Mii and Puzzle Swap.
Streetpass is not very successful for me, one because I rarely go out, and two because nobody seems to have the handheld console... I tried visiting a large shopping centre once which had maybe 300 people inside, I got 0 streetpasses -.- Not that I'm missing out on much, the games aren't exactly exciting to say the least though I do play them when I do have any hits though however unlikely that is >.>

I have gotten StreetPass hits maybe 10 to 20 times since I bought the system. Or in other words, I barely get any use out of it here in the UK.

Then again, this area is basically a wasteland as far as Nintendo fandom goes. Heck, you could go into a shop with the newest Mario, Zelda or possibly Pokemon game on sale and still find about ten copies available to buy due to how few Nintendo fans live round here. So yeah, I'll never really get much done StreetPass wise.

I've given up on looking in shops for new 3DS games, I have to stick to Amazon to get any games nowadays :c
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I am in the southern US, but I have managed to get around 400 unique Streetpasses since the 3DS came out. I just always have the wifi on and keep it in my pocket. The mall and game stores are the best places on a day to day basis, but conventions are where I get 50+ in one day. You actually have to check frequently because the 3DS can only hold 20 Streetpasses at a time.
The only streetpass tag I've ever gotten was my brothers. I don't bring my 3DS out in the public often, if at all.
Streetpass is not very successful for me, one because I rarely go out, and two because nobody seems to have the handheld console... I tried visiting a large shopping centre once which had maybe 300 people inside, I got 0 streetpasses -.- Not that I'm missing out on much, the games aren't exactly exciting to say the least though I do play them when I do have any hits though however unlikely that is >.>

I have gotten StreetPass hits maybe 10 to 20 times since I bought the system. Or in other words, I barely get any use out of it here in the UK.

Then again, this area is basically a wasteland as far as Nintendo fandom goes. Heck, you could go into a shop with the newest Mario, Zelda or possibly Pokemon game on sale and still find about ten copies available to buy due to how few Nintendo fans live round here. So yeah, I'll never really get much done StreetPass wise.

I've given up on looking in shops for new 3DS games, I have to stick to Amazon to get any games nowadays :c

I find it strange that shops aren't seemingly selling games where you live, yet here they're still always stocked with them despite absolutely zero customer interest. Someone at the game stores round here is either a Nintendo fan or not particularly good with 'smelling what sells'.

It's unfortunate I can't give my location/don't give my location, since otherwise I'd say:

'Hey European Nintendo fans! Want to find your favourite new games without pre-ordering? Try the shops round here at [location]!'
I have gotten StreetPass hits maybe 10 to 20 times since I bought the system. Or in other words, I barely get any use out of it here in the UK.

Then again, this area is basically a wasteland as far as Nintendo fandom goes. Heck, you could go into a shop with the newest Mario, Zelda or possibly Pokemon game on sale and still find about ten copies available to buy due to how few Nintendo fans live round here. So yeah, I'll never really get much done StreetPass wise.

Sounds like a win-lose situation. The low demand means you can just walk into any store and expect the new / best-selling stuff to still be there. But that also means you don't get much interaction with local gamers. :( I guess its a feature that most of us just have to admire from a far. I actually prefer less demand than extremely high demand in a place like Japan, I assume it would be a pain reserving every single thing or however they handle it in Japan.

I am in the southern US, but I have managed to get around 400 unique Streetpasses since the 3DS came out. I just always have the wifi on and keep it in my pocket. The mall and game stores are the best places on a day to day basis, but conventions are where I get 50+ in one day. You actually have to check frequently because the 3DS can only hold 20 Streetpasses at a time.

Man, 400 Streetpasses!? That's great! I doubt I'll ever have the problem of getting more than 20 Streetpasses at a time though, lol.
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I wish >_> I have maybe 38 streetpass hits. 9 of those from Nintendo via spotpass, 23 from my 2 trips to the west edmonton mall, and about 6 from my village and the 3 cities near it. That's all since April 2011 when I purchased it. Kinda sad really...
Streetpass is not very successful for me, one because I rarely go out, and two because nobody seems to have the handheld console... I tried visiting a large shopping centre once which had maybe 300 people inside, I got 0 streetpasses -.- Not that I'm missing out on much, the games aren't exactly exciting to say the least though I do play them when I do have any hits though however unlikely that is >.>

I have gotten StreetPass hits maybe 10 to 20 times since I bought the system. Or in other words, I barely get any use out of it here in the UK.

Then again, this area is basically a wasteland as far as Nintendo fandom goes. Heck, you could go into a shop with the newest Mario, Zelda or possibly Pokemon game on sale and still find about ten copies available to buy due to how few Nintendo fans live round here. So yeah, I'll never really get much done StreetPass wise.

I've given up on looking in shops for new 3DS games, I have to stick to Amazon to get any games nowadays :c

I find it strange that shops aren't seemingly selling games where you live, yet here they're still always stocked with them despite absolutely zero customer interest. Someone at the game stores round here is either a Nintendo fan or not particularly good with 'smelling what sells'.

It's unfortunate I can't give my location/don't give my location, since otherwise I'd say:

'Hey European Nintendo fans! Want to find your favourite new games without pre-ordering? Try the shops round here at [location]!'

Well, the first problem is that all the shops nearby selling games have all been permanently closed -like GAME, gamestop- so if I do buy any games, I have to go to supermarkets or spend an hour travelling to the closest shopping centre near me :c And in these supermarkets, they only sell a few 3DS games which are mixed with DS games so there's no order and you rarely see the brand new games there!
not much you get in Ireland dublin but i do get 3-5 StreetPass hits a everytime i go out but i everytime there is parade i go out with it too and get up far as 10 StreetPass hits especial Zombie Walk or conventions like dublin comiccon or octocon i get up far as up to 10hits, movies like odeon or cineworld i get up far as up to 10hits
Streetpass is not very successful for me, one because I rarely go out, and two because nobody seems to have the handheld console... I tried visiting a large shopping centre once which had maybe 300 people inside, I got 0 streetpasses -.- Not that I'm missing out on much, the games aren't exactly exciting to say the least though I do play them when I do have any hits though however unlikely that is >.>

I have gotten StreetPass hits maybe 10 to 20 times since I bought the system. Or in other words, I barely get any use out of it here in the UK.

Then again, this area is basically a wasteland as far as Nintendo fandom goes. Heck, you could go into a shop with the newest Mario, Zelda or possibly Pokemon game on sale and still find about ten copies available to buy due to how few Nintendo fans live round here. So yeah, I'll never really get much done StreetPass wise.

I've given up on looking in shops for new 3DS games, I have to stick to Amazon to get any games nowadays :c

I find it strange that shops aren't seemingly selling games where you live, yet here they're still always stocked with them despite absolutely zero customer interest. Someone at the game stores round here is either a Nintendo fan or not particularly good with 'smelling what sells'.

It's unfortunate I can't give my location/don't give my location, since otherwise I'd say:

'Hey European Nintendo fans! Want to find your favourite new games without pre-ordering? Try the shops round here at [location]!'

Well, the first problem is that all the shops nearby selling games have all been permanently closed -like GAME, gamestop- so if I do buy any games, I have to go to supermarkets or spend an hour travelling to the closest shopping centre near me :c And in these supermarkets, they only sell a few 3DS games which are mixed with DS games so there's no order and you rarely see the brand new games there!

gamestop is still around dublin henry st or stephen Green ireland i get one hit everytime i go into those shops
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i walk around dublin city centre today for 3hrs and got 9 streetpass hits almost full house here amazing! probably same out this weekend when i dublin comic con
I get most from my cousin. We always connect to each other when we see each other, even if we rarely see each other. It's fun and another great way, like other people said, is the mall. If you are still in school maybe it's a good place to look. I find restraunts that kids are at to often give me streetpass tags. Also try getting Play Coins because those help too.
Honestly the only street passes I get are from my boyfriends 3DS since we live together. Louisiana has nothing street pass wise so I rarely play the street pass games.