Hi, guys.. I usually wouldn't ask, but ethics is really not my field and I got a paper I gotta write for my final semester of my bachelor in ETHICS. Just so you know I'm doing a business degree, this is just one of these required subject that are part of the course..
Aaaanyways long story shot, If Aanybody knows Aanything about Aany of these topics (leaving my options still open
) and can give me any hints on what I should research for it, I would greaaaaatly appreciate it. I know it looks lazy, but that's not it.. i just literally don't even know where to begin googleling or starting this paper. I don't really know what is important to the topic in most of these questions, since they are a bit broad.
So here are the questions from which i gotta choose one:
1. Conservationists say we need to reduce our use of natural resources radically if we are to avoid destroying the planet. Others say that we cannot deny developing countries the same access to resources as is enjoyed by developed countries. These two positions seem to be mutually exclusive. Which side of this ethical debate would you support and why? Use ethical theories to inform your answer.
2. “management requires of mangers that they both oppress others (the ‘workers’ whom they ‘manage’) and are themselves oppressedâ€
(Harding 2003:1)
Oppression is not ethical because it denies human beings some of their basic rights. Using examples and ethical theory, defend or dispute Harding’s claim in the above quote.
3. How might ethical frameworks such as feminist, care and postmodern ethics which are not based on rational, objective rules and principles offer a more appropriate way to resolve individual workplace ethical dilemmas? Use examples to illustrate your answer.
4. To what extent should we accept a western multinational corporation offering lower standards of pay and working conditions in less developed countries? Does the adage “When in Rome, do as the Romans do†apply in this context?
I am leaning towards number 2 or 4, but have no idea how to make it sound like i am talking ethics and not business :S....
The paper is only 2000 words, so I gots to be selective with what i want talk about. THANX BEFORE HAND!!!!!! U have no idea how blank these questions left me.. and i usually am not somebody to be lost for words
Aaaanyways long story shot, If Aanybody knows Aanything about Aany of these topics (leaving my options still open

So here are the questions from which i gotta choose one:
1. Conservationists say we need to reduce our use of natural resources radically if we are to avoid destroying the planet. Others say that we cannot deny developing countries the same access to resources as is enjoyed by developed countries. These two positions seem to be mutually exclusive. Which side of this ethical debate would you support and why? Use ethical theories to inform your answer.
2. “management requires of mangers that they both oppress others (the ‘workers’ whom they ‘manage’) and are themselves oppressedâ€
(Harding 2003:1)
Oppression is not ethical because it denies human beings some of their basic rights. Using examples and ethical theory, defend or dispute Harding’s claim in the above quote.
3. How might ethical frameworks such as feminist, care and postmodern ethics which are not based on rational, objective rules and principles offer a more appropriate way to resolve individual workplace ethical dilemmas? Use examples to illustrate your answer.
4. To what extent should we accept a western multinational corporation offering lower standards of pay and working conditions in less developed countries? Does the adage “When in Rome, do as the Romans do†apply in this context?
I am leaning towards number 2 or 4, but have no idea how to make it sound like i am talking ethics and not business :S....
The paper is only 2000 words, so I gots to be selective with what i want talk about. THANX BEFORE HAND!!!!!! U have no idea how blank these questions left me.. and i usually am not somebody to be lost for words

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