Does anyone still play Warcraft 3?


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I'll be honest that I never heard this game before (I'm very familiar with World of Warcraft) 'till I watched some matches from World Cyber Games. By the way, my favorite warcraft player would be SyDe because he has a twitch where he streams his gameplay and teaches others about it. Anyways, I bought the Frozen Throne one because I heard it is an expansion pack from Reign of Chaos then someone informed me that I should've bought the reforged xD well, I'm a noob/newbie.

So I started my tutorial when my friend told me that "nobody plays it anymore" Is it true? I mean I could see some groups solely for this and they have statues of it in China, so I guess they're still considered popular... right? also some people still play it, right?

I heard that WCG includes Warcraft in their games, but Warcraft is not yet out of date game, I'm still playing it sometimes and it was a nice game for me.
A new player will spend a few hundred hours of gameplay before getting even close to needing to play any pro meta. Most of them I would say will never progress to a high-masters level.:)