Does it feel like all the old video game 'urban legends' are coming true to anyone else?


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Think about it, in Pokemon X and Y alone we've now basically got Pokegod equivalents (Mega Evolutions), an official Mewthree and various other cool stuff. And in the Zelda series, we're basically get a direct sequel to Link to the Past complete with a dark version of the Triforce and a bunch of other stuff.

It almost feels like Nintendo's put a bunch of fan ideas from the 80s and 90s and put them into their coming video games!

Anyone else agree?
Only now I've read it do I realize that I almost came to the same conclusion myself... I think it's pretty neat but would lose its... goodness... if overused.
I do agree! Nintendo has been listening the entire time. They are very sneaky!
I disagree. Nintendo isn't really listening, but just giving their own ideas, which the fans already happened to add. I mean who asked for the mega forms or anything like that? They're like evolutions that go back to normal. It's like going super saiyan, but for Pokemon. Also I don't think people asked for an Dark Triforce. It just came to be after having Dark Link and the Dark World. That's how I came up with it back in 2008.

All in all, I just don't believe that Nintendo is really listening to our ideas. It's just a coincidence that they came up with these ideas that the fans already had. Next thing you know they're reremake Pokemon Red and Blue and then you'll be able to find Mew under the truck.
Not just nowadays. :p There were urban legends about Luigi being in Super Mario 64 and later they made a version where he's playable. ^^
Maybe those people who came up with ideas like that grew up and are now working for Nintendo?
Not really.Nintendo had idea's for these (and a lot more) for a long time.They even have some Metroid/Star Fox idea's since 2005.Not only that but THEY EVEN have an F-Zero idea (+more).I guess they just don't want the world to see their T&O's. :L
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I think Nintendo is listening. Around 2007 I heard that they were making a new wind waker. a friend told me that he requested it (which he probably lied about it).
Maybe those people who came up with ideas like that grew up and are now working for Nintendo?

I lean towards this idea more than anything.