Does it not feel like Christmas time for anyone else?


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Really, I have to admit I didn't even realise Christmas was that close til I realised it was already December 3rd. I mean, I know there's a lot of lights and decorations up, but it still just feels like it's early November or something.

Maybe it's because I don't have any Christmas decorations or a tree up yet for this year. Or because me and the other staff haven't started the Christmas contests and put up a Christmas style for the forums yet.

But does anyone else think it doesn't feel like the Christmas season yet?
Yeah, because it still hasn't snowed here since it's still too warm. It's actually rained yesterday, that's how warm it is here.
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Get dat WebDAV working and I'll get a Christmas theme up ASAP *beady eyes*

But yeah, it kinda feels a little half-half for me. Not quite Christmas, but at the same time... quite Christmas.
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it felt like x-mas back in october cuz it snowed now i cant even realize its december
It feels nothing like Christmas. All the decor is up around here, but I'm just not feeling it.

It's probably because there's no snow right now. That and the weather is surprisingly warm. Damn climate change.
There's not much snow, but really cold. -17*C last time I checked. So it feels like Christmas without snow.
There's not much snow, but really cold. -17*C last time I checked. So it feels like Christmas without snow.

Knowing Norway, there will be an avalanche tomorrow and then a heat wave the day after.
Nope not really the cristmas feeling, although admidditly, that's most likely since I haven't been out of the office much.
It's like 70 degrees here and sunny, so no. The only reason I know it's coming is because I just bought my friends' gift.
Meh, moving to a place that doesn't really celebrate christmas makes it feel lacking here.