Dr. Anthony Fauci admits he made up COVID’s social-distancing measures, masking rules


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Just for some wider context:

Basically he states that the social distancing and masking came from the CDC. This is all taking place during a congressional hearing on the pandemic so...I can't really say what's factual and what's not until the hearing ends and reporters look into things.

Honestly, the US wasn't prepared for a pandemic, so I'm going to blame Fauci for this. Next time we probably should be a bit more ahead in terms of figuring out diseases.
He was questioned about his gain of function efforts, but he is still seeing the light of day. So I guess giving him free press isn't worth the effort or the reputation.
I don't see the issue, we had a viral infection that was spreading around from just being in the air. Keeping your distance and wearing a mask is the sane thing to do. I kept my distance but boy did I hate the masks.
I don't see the issue, we had a viral infection that was spreading around from just being in the air. Keeping your distance and wearing a mask is the sane thing to do. I kept my distance but boy did I hate the masks.
I mean yeah that's obviously the best thing to done. I'd be more angry at the fact that the US was so poorly off guard to handle a pandemic rather than get mad at a doctor that tried to save lives.
I mean yeah that's obviously the best thing to done. I'd be more angry at the fact that the US was so poorly off guard to handle a pandemic rather than get mad at a doctor that tried to save lives.

Most of the world was off guard, Covid was a needed lesson.
I don't see the issue, we had a viral infection that was spreading around from just being in the air. Keeping your distance and wearing a mask is the sane thing to do. I kept my distance but boy did I hate the masks.
I didn’t mind the masks, I just hated wearing them when summer was rolling around.
Any country would be lucky to have a man of his credentials on their pandemic task force. 50 years of service. Now he's reduced to being the villain about conspiracy theories invented by the orange dipshit and his followers in front everybody and needing security when in public.
...he admitted to making up the social distancing and masking rules, lol.
I'm not aware of this but I know Dr. Anthony Fauci as a leading expert on infectious diseases and a key advisor to the US government during the pandemic.
I'm not aware of this but I know Dr. Anthony Fauci as a leading expert on infectious diseases and a key advisor to the US government during the pandemic.

We know this? Lol.
I'm very sure that his intentions were good..I don't see this has some kind of arbitrary rules.
I’m not so surprised, to be honest with you. Many of us suspected that the rules were somewhat a makeshift.