One of the most prevalent features in high-end third-party PlayStation 4 controllers is rear paddle buttons. Sony’s new Back Button Attachment, coming in January for $30, adds a pair of programmable buttons to the back of the Dualshock 4.
The Back Button Attachment, announced today via the PlayStation Blog, connects to the bottom of the Dualshock 4 via the utility port, with a pass-through audio jack so players can still plug in their headphones.
Once plugged in, players have access to two paddle-like buttons, which can be remapped to any function on the Dualshock 4. It sports a dedicated remapping button, as well as an OLED display to keep track of button assignments.
It's not too bad because it's cheaper than buying one of those pro controllers with these back buttons implemented into them. Plus you can use it with any of your PS4 controllers instead of having to buy a new one if the controller breaks.