EA paying celebrities for positive Star Wars Battlefront reviews...


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I read one guy broke the disc and publicly disowned the game.

Though this is battlefront and star wars, why does EA or anyone need to pay for positive reviews? This game should be a happy gamer money maker.

That's a very good point actually. Why bother? It was always going to sell well, and trying to 'buy' positive press does nothing other than hurt the game's reputation.
Maybe they weren't sure the game could fulfil the accumulated hype.
In any case if it is just a rumour then I rather not to take it too seriously. Maybe some celebrities do like the game and are sharing it, after all SW is a strong franchise and might pull some unexpected people to try the game just because of the nostalgia and hype Star wars has at this time.

*actually reads the article* Aaaaah. So it was actually a celebrity making the claim he was contacted by EA to give a positive Review but instead he broke the disk and made an inflammatory rant that ends with this ":)". i dunno about you but this sounds like a troll bait to gain popularity through outrage. Maybe Breaking Benjamin are just trying to get back to people's radar or something creating controversy.

Or maybe he was being sincere. Who knows, but so far it seems we only have his version. I'd love to see if more celebrities corroborate it.