Earliest memory of playing video games


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Mine was of Tetris on the old school gameboy. I remember my parents had me tethered to the wall via wall adapter because they got tired of buying me replacement batteries.
Super Mario Bros on the NES, I want to say I was three or four? Maybe younger, simple times back then.
I was playing the Gamecube at my cousin's I think. Not sure if we got the system first or not at home, but we were playing Melee and I really liked using Kirby and Pikachu in Classic mode.
Playing a MS-DOS action game on a floppy disc drive on a MS-DOS desktop computer .
I can't forget my early days of playing on my uncle's Atari 2600. Also my Sega Genesis games was much fun.
I used to frequently go to video game's house to play on N64 back in the days with my friends. We enjoyed playing WWF No Mercy so much.
My earliest memory of gaming would probably have to be when I was around the age of 4-5. I would remember my dad waking me up in the middle of the night to go play a game with him. I don't remember the exact game that I played, but it was on a PlayStation 2.
I can't remember what it was called but the duck shooting game. I was able to play that on some sort of knockoff games console that had a few games preinstalled on it. That and playing GTA Vice City on my cousins PS2
We had the old Atari system hooked up to our TV in our kitchen. The kitchen was also the slash dining room slash living room. It was a big kitchen lol Around that time we also had small desktop games of Pac-Man & Frogger that we played a lot.
I can't remember what it was called but the duck shooting game. I was able to play that on some sort of knockoff games console that had a few games preinstalled on it. That and playing GTA Vice City on my cousins PS2
Wow! I have heard about the GTA Vice City, but never had the chance to play it.
I started playing on Sega since I was 8. It was awkward at that time since not a lot of ladies were into gaming as at when I began playing too.
I was not allowed to start playing games when I was still under 14 till I got to 20 years. Being with the parents that ensures one does everything as they want really affected my gaming lifestyle.
My parents did not allow me to start playing games when I was still under 14 till I got to 18 years. Being with the parents that ensures one does everything as they want really affected my gaming lifestyle.
I didn't play games till I was 22. I came from a home where going to school and having good grades is the major aim. So, playing games as a young kid was out of the picture.
My first games should be on gameboy. I can't remember the particular one I played first on it.
I remember being in kindergarden and my parents getting a NES. I think it was a bundle and it came with Super Mario Bros (or they just bought it when they got the system).
I remember being in kindergarden and my parents getting a NES. I think it was a bundle and it came with Super Mario Bros (or they just bought it when they got the system).
Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt was top seller to my trivia knowledge.