Multi Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes From Suikoden Creators

The spiritual successor to the Suikoden games, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, has found a publisher.
505 Games has come on board, partnering with the Japan-based Rabbit & Bear Studios to publish what became 2020's biggest video game Kickstarter campaign. The publisher made the announcement, Friday, February 12, Philippine time.
Eiyuden Chronicle made waves when it was announced in July 2020 as the game will have Yoshitaka Murayama and Junko Kawano, who are among the creators of the Suikoden series, back in the lead again. Those games are considered to be some of the best RPGs in the PlayStation era and have a loyal fanbase even as the series has become inactive. Murayama was the director of the first 3 games while Kawano designed the characters of the first game.
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hopefully they do a good job.
Read an Update:

“In combing through the various backer comments, it’s clear that there is a great deal of concern about Eiyuden Chronicle being released exclusively on a PC platform. As mentioned previously, we have confirmed with any potential publishing partner, including 505 Games, that the game needed to be released on PC in a non-exclusive manner. We know that some people have had bad experiences with previous Kickstarters, specifically due to this point, and we wanted to reiterate our commitment to releasing the game without exclusivity to any one platform.”

“There are many elements that can make a game fun, such as thrilling action, a feel-good story, and puzzles to rack one’s brain over. And there are even more elements that make RPGs fun. I believe that the fun of Eiyuden Chronicle—and of RPGs in general— comes from the element of resource management. In short, defeating enemies and earning rewards.

With the money you’ve earned, you can buy equipment and get stronger, and then take down even stronger enemies to get even more money. In the gaming development world, we call this “expanded reproduction.” You invest the resources you’ve earned to earn even more resources. I believe that having that element scattered around in various forms is the fundamental joy of RPGs.

Put in some work and you can level up, get stronger equipment, meet new companions, complete dungeons, and progress through the story. In Eiyuden Chronicle, we also plan to include mechanics like expanding your home base, building new facilities, new minigames you can try your hand in, and new beigomas. These are the elements we plan to provide. Each and every player has the freedom to go after whatever goals they prefer—I believe that the fun of RPGs is in the culmination of those kinds of experiences.

Bento are Japanese lunches packed with various side dishes you can enjoy. We want to make a JRPG that delivers the same type of experience where players can enjoy a wide variety of choices.”

"The development team has finished the test build and is moving on to the next stage. We’re currently in the process of figuring out how to solve the issues and problem areas we encounter in the test build, as well as thinking about how we can reach the final product we’re aiming for. We’re also making decisions on how best to manage the information that will appear on screen, like the tons of characters, locations, and enemies that are present in those locations."

"While looking at the characters, locations, and enemy designs, we’ve been coming at it like, “I want this character to do this kind of attack!” or “I want this kind of gimmick in this location”. Or how we can make even weak enemies look interesting and leave an impression."

"In order to make those interesting things come to life, we’ve been poring over graphs and numbers, and talking through our plans of how to make it all happen, pretty much on a daily basis. Sometimes it gets a little tense, but the Eiyuden Chronicle team always pulls through with good spirit. And in the midst of everything, the other day, we started gathering recipe ideas for food to put into the game. We’ve gathered character ideas, but we think it’s crucial to convey the atmosphere of the world of Eiyuden Chronicle beyond the screen, which is why we’re also doing it through food! And now the time has come to showcase a dish that I’ve encountered on my travels!"
Saw new Trailer:
so new trailer on the rising part, taking place before the main game:
Read this post:

Character Profile


Name: CJ

Home: The League of Nations
GENDER: Female
AGE: 16
FAVORITE FOOD: Mega katsu curry

The latest in a long line of Scavengers (tomb raiders by trade). CJ’s clan has sent her to New Nevaeh in order to complete their traditional “rite of passage.”

"What can I say? Your town’s growing on me. That’s reason enough for me to stick my neck out."


Name: Isha

Home: New Nevaeh
GENDER: Female
AGE: 16
FAVORITE FOOD: Red-hot tom yam kung

Isha has served as acting mayor of New Nevaeh ever since her father, the former mayor, went missing. She realised the town was sitting on a goldmine and invited adventurers from far and wide to come explore New Nevaeh’s Runebarrows…for the right price, of course.

“An explorer's licence costs 100,000 baqua. Not a penny less.”


Name: Garoo

AGE: 35

An adventurer who’s looking to get his mitts on the priceless treasures in New Nevaeh’s Barrows. Garoo is tough as nails—in his old life as a mercenary, he single-handedly hacked his way through some nasty battles—but it’s the jingle of coin he marches to.

“That’s the thing about fights, mate. They don’t happen unless both parties involved think they’re tougher than the other guy.”

Kawano's Comment:

CJ is energetic and Isha is strong willed. When creating these two, I imagined that their relationship would run parallel to that of Nowa and Seign, from the main story of Eiyuden: Hundred Heroes, then added some extra oomph to it. (This is an Action RPG, after all, so their dialogue will be full of energy and passion).

As for Garoo, well, right after seeing a wallaby at a nearby zoo, I got to work 'hmm'ing and 'haa'ing and made him into a cool uncle-type character. But the most interesting part of his design has to be the mysterious pocket on his waist, right? lol
We need a quiz because the real questions that we have are already answered. FAVORITE FOOD. Anyways I like the art style, creative combat ideas, and that this game is getting a ton of support. I do like action RPGs so if this has a good take it might be worth my time.
New gameplay video:
The side game Eiyuden Chronicles: Rising release date. The prelude to Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes proper will appear on May 10, 2022. That date applies to every platform.
New Boss Battle Video clip
The side game is at Pax East 2022:
read latest dev interview by Jason ex Kotaku:

Murayama told me in a recent interview. He said he only started seriously considering a Kickstarter after meeting up with some of his old collaborators, such as artist Junko Kawano, at a concert for Suikoden music.

Murayama was also driven by the success of Nintendo Co.’s Octopath Traveler, which has sold more than 2.5 million copies since its release in 2018. The audience for turn-based RPGs had been “shrinking,” Murayama said, but Octopath Traveler proved that “there is a promising market” for games like his.

He said he was also inspired by an old friend and colleague, the game developer Koji Igarashi, who was known for producing the popular Castlevania series. Igarashi left Konami in 2014 and found success on Kickstarter with the game Bloodstained. Crowdfunding made it possible for several veteran game developers to revitalize games and genres that big publishers don’t see as lucrative.

Like the Suikoden series that preceded it, Eiyuden Chronicle will be an epic roleplaying game with a sprawling, political story and a large cast of characters that players can recruit to join their army. It will allow players to explore towns and dungeons as well as build their own base of operations. And, Murayama said, it will bring back one of Suikoden fans’ favorite activities: a cooking minigame in the style of Iron Chef.

To fund the rest of Eiyuden’s development, Murayama partnered with Italian publisher 505 Games. In an interview, 505 Games founder Raffi Galante called Suikoden a masterpiece. “The proven quality of the team is the kind of thing we really like,” he said.

Last week, Murayama and 505 released a spinoff platformer game called Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising. Reviews have been mixed (and I wasn’t impressed by an early copy I played) largely because it’s a drastically different type of game, promised as a companion game or prologue to the real Eiyuden Chronicle.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, designed as a bonus for Kickstarter backers, was made by a different team of people. The proper game, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, won’t be out until 2023.

Now that he’s back in the swing of things, Murayama said he’d be open to rejoining his former company one day. “Of course if it's the right occasion I would like to be involved with another Suikoden,” he said. He also said he’d love to see the Suikoden series be remastered for modern platforms, although he doesn’t have much clout there.

“I still have friends at Konami,” he said. “Casually, at the bar or something, I can bring that topic up, but it’s hard for me to make official suggestions.”

Murayama said that one of the main reasons he left Konami to go solo was because it was “hard to be creative” while working with large teams — an ironic twist for a man whose games revolve around assembling armies of hundreds and teaching them how to work together.

During his years as a freelancer, Murayama got pleasure out of working on his own. But now, he said, he’s rediscovered the joy of large-scale collaboration and is “in a good mood.”

“The game I'm creating right now, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, will be a pretty special game,” Murayama said. “I'm enjoying creating this game, so please look forward to it.”