Emojis Needed willing to offer GL points


Staff member
Hello everyone at GamingLatest,
We are needing some custom emojis at GamingLatest. I am will to pay the graphic artist Gaming Latest points aka GL$ which you can use in our shop (*GL$ price of payment depends on the how good the art is*) what I need is Heart Emoji, Celebration Reaction, Cake, thumbs up and thumbs down.


GamingLatest Management Team

Also Mr Demon_Skeith Demon_Skeith if there is anything else you can offer the artist
Are you looking for the emojis to be themed around GamingLatest or just some general ones?
Are you looking for the emojis to be themed around GamingLatest or just some general ones?
General one's atm.
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Reactions: Ash
Going to reopen these I know since it was Christmas we do needed some maybe we use these new custom ones next Christmas. Anyways I need Santa Emoji or Snowman emoji or a Santa hat is fine or a Christmas tree. Normal ones It will still need the ones mention in thread
Going to reopen these I know since it was Christmas we do needed some maybe we use these new custom ones next Christmas. Anyways I need Santa Emoji or Snowman emoji or a Santa hat is fine or a Christmas tree. Normal ones It will still need the ones mention in thread

Going to ask someone to make some soon, just need to narrow down ideas.
Aw shoot. Too big for forums. Maybe I would help if I had Aseprite but as of now I have no way of resizing and keeping transparency.
Aw shoot. Too big for forums. Maybe I would help if I had Aseprite but as of now I have no way of resizing and keeping transparency.
No worries thanks for thought.