End of the side scrolling Mario Games?


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So here is Nintendo's big Mario maker video game, with it you can make any kind of 2d side scrolling mario game, but now that you can make any kind of stage, what would be the point of Nintendo making more 2d side scrolling mario games? Heck someone could buy the next mario game, remake all the stages in mario maker and release them for free.
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Dang, that actually makes a lot of sense. This Mario Maker concept seems pretty amazing considering games like Happy Wheels are very popular. I feel like if Nintendo wanted to make more 2D Mario games in the future, they would have to bring something new and unique to the plate. Do you think bringing in a good "story mode" would be enough for Nintendo to release a new 2D Mario game in the future?
lludawg said:
Dang, that actually makes a lot of sense. This Mario Maker concept seems pretty amazing considering games like Happy Wheels are very popular. I feel like if Nintendo wanted to make more 2D Mario games in the future, they would have to bring something new and unique to the plate. Do you think bringing in a good "story mode" would be enough for Nintendo to release a new 2D Mario game in the future?
story mode has never been apart of Mario games, even for some of their recent RPGs. I don't see them starting now.
I don't think there was even the idea of new 2d side scrolling Mario games. They can push out the new 3d ones (like 3d land) using a lot of assets from older games.  All they need to do is design new levels.  I'm still waiting for a new, proper 3d Mario game.  It's been a long time since Galaxy 2.
Mario Maker will most likely, like most console-exclusive "build your own thing" games, be actually fairly limited in some ways. Nintendo could add new mechanics and features, new power ups and so on, for example. But you can't do that with Mario Maker.

I heavily doubt that Mario Maker will make 2D Mario games redundant.
I think Super Mario Maker is pretty cool and could inspire a whole new generation in learning the basics of game design. There are plenty of Mario knock offs made on Game Maker Studio, Unity and Flash these days, and those tools are far more versatile than Super Mario Maker.

However, I wouldn't fear the end of 2D Mario games as there will always be a demand for them. While it may difficult for Nintendo to still come up with unique, innovative ideas for their 2D side scrolling franchises - I honestly don't believe they will ever stop making them.  :yes:
I definitely don't see another side scrolling coming into play after this releases. I think their main focus is creating more of the 3D, free-roaming games. As for the story mode, there is never a different story for the side scrollers. It's just the same old, same old. Nothing against them, but it can be a classic tedious chore. 
I am actually fed up with 2D scrolling games of Mario to be honest. I've been playing them since many time now and it's alwyas the same thing repeated over and over. I don't really care if they will release a new mario game as I won't play it unless there will be a cool thing that will make me regret my decision.
I think the creation of Mario Maker was exactly that, the end of Nintendo making side scroll mario games for the systems. Now they're basically leaving it to the gamers themselves to make their own mario experiences.
Has Nintendo run out of ideas for 2D scrolling Mario? At the same time, all it takes is one creative person to make Mario, I don't know "fresh"? There is nothing wrong with playing Mario in 2D scrolling simply because he is in 3D now.
I don't know, I think they'll make them for as long as they profit off of them. The only way I see them going away is when Nintendo isn't making cash off them.
Well, they've done just about all they can do with 2D mario over the years. Hell, they even found a way to make it four player co-op. Nintendo is usually full of ideas, but I don't know how much they have left in the tank in terms of 2D games in general let alone mario.
Yup, it's the end. That's really the basis for them putting out mario maker. It's almost a cop out. "now you make your own mario because we ran our 2D mario well dry".
I sure hope so, for milkers sake. I mean seriously, how many times can they keep selling people the same game mechanics? 2D mario hasn't changed very much from the NES era. But people keep buying it. Enough is enough.
This is nowhere near the death of the side scrolling Mario games, the main reason being this: Mario Maker gives the player access to blocks, enemies, and other assets previously seen in other Mario media. All they would really need is to introduce some sort of enemy variety, or a couple of tweaks in gameplay mechanics to make a whole new game.

An example of that immediately comes to mind is MariO, which, while an unofficial Mario game, still speaks volumes as to what can be done to the formula to keep it relevant. Do look it up if you haven't already: it is free to play, and a whole load of fun.