Ever bought a game you unexpectedly liked?


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A bit like the regrets thread, with a difference. Instead of games you thought you'd like and hated, this is a topic for games you bought on a whim expecting to only find average at best and thought were actually really good games when you played them.

For me, I'm not sure really. Minor examples would probably be stuff like Wario Blast and heck, even Yoshi's Island.
Mirrors Edge. After listening to EVERYONE I KNEW ridicule it I was sure that it would be terrabad, I was wrong.
Sin and Punishment:Star Successor (Wii)
Nintendogs: Chihuahua and Friends (DS)
Spectrobes (DS)

Turns out that they were all great.
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Star Wars the Force Unleashed for Wii.
I was interested in Fallout but I wasn't very convinced about it and finally tried it. I've never been so impressed with a game before hand. It's now one of my favorite series. The game was fantastic and I played it for a ridiculously long time.
Resident Evil 4: I never played a Resident Evil game before this one. I got the Wii version on sale for $10. Best $10 I ever spent, really fun game that I've played through multiple times.

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow: After I got my DS I was looking for a couple new games to get. Picked this one up because it was cheap, but I didn't have any experience with the Castlevania series so I didn't know what to expect. It is now my favorite DS game and I've completed it multiple times, including the extra Julius mode.

Alpha Protocol: Saw it was cheap on Steam and it got a lot of mixed reviews. Figured I'd try it out since it was fairly hyped during the summer. Had a lot of fun with it, definitely one of my favorite pick-ups from a Steam sale.

Bioshock: Didn't care much for this game the first time I tried it. However, on my second attempt, I got really sucked into the game and enjoyed the story probably too much. Such a great game.

Super Meat Boy: Really wasn't looking to get this game but it was on sale at a ridiculously low price for just recently coming out and a couple people told me it was really fun. I don't care for games that are really hard. I just want to enjoy the ride, not be frustrated with it. Turns out this game was hard, but the fun factor completely overrides the difficulty. The game is great at being challenging, but not cheap. One of my favorite platformers now.

Torchlight: Don't care for games like Diablo so I figured this game wouldn't interest me. Tried the demo and got hooked. It's like Diablo for casuals with an appealing art scheme. Had to buy the game when it went on sale and I can't wait for the second one to come out later this year.

Pokemon Emerald: I was a huge Pokemon fan back in the day. Had copies of RBY, and GS but stopped playing the game shortly before Crystal was released in 2001. After taking a 5 year hiatus from Pokemon, I decided to try Emerald and had tons of fun with it. I think I actually get more nostalgic thinking about Emerald than I do when it comes to RBY/GSC.

I'm sure there will be more games to add to this list since I have a backlog of 67 games I have yet to beat.
Golden Sun: The Lost Age. I thought it would be boring as Hell, but I was so submerged in the gameplay and story, I think it was the only thing I played for a month or two.